Sunday, August 31, 2008

Magic Shorts

I know I keep writing on observations about Knoxville, but it has been so much fun (and so interesting) to look at the differences and similarities between Knoxville and Provo (as soon as I find some similarities I'll let you know, ha ha). My most recent fascinating observation is how people dress here, specifically on campus. While people in Provo wear normal clothes like jeans, nice shirts, etc., people here wear work-out clothes EVERYWHERE. And I would guarantee most of them are not on their way to work out. The dress code is just gym clothes. My first day here I went to campus by myself while Chris was in meetings and I felt very overdressed. More than anything, the girls wear these Nike running shorts:This exact style. Chris and I call them the "magic shorts" (have you ever seen Forest Gump where Forest says Lt. Dan got "magic legs"? thats where that came from). They come in a zillion different colors and almost every other girl you see on campus is wearing one color or another. As time has gone by, they have really started to grow on me and I've become fascinated to see how many people wear them (really, its crazy) and all the different colors. So, last night I gave in to the trend (I'm such a lemming) and got some black ones with red on the edges (throwback to my Highland Rams days, I suppose). They are so cute. I, however, will not be able to wear them around town due to my modesty commitments, so I'll actually have to work out in them, but they are still fun to have. I seriously want them in every color combination.
But one thing that is completely refreshing about this work-out-clothes-wearing trend is just how down to earth it is. No one is dressing up to be something they aren't. No one is superficial or worrying excessively about how they look, which is something that, unfortunately, I always thought was a problem at BYU.
But then again, maybe they do have superiority issues: "My Nike shorts are cuter than yours?" Maybe so.


L said...

i have two pairs of shorts just like that from when i used to go running every day!! one pink and white, and one blue and white. now they act as swimwear cover ups and they occasionally get to go on a run.

TD Quong said...

I don't even care what you post, I like reading it. I just think you're really clever and funny. So keep posting and I'll keep reading.

sam and kyrsten said...

ha i love reading your posts! it seems like you are liking knoxville! that is so great! when i read the forrest gump quote, dont worry in my mind i said it in his exact voice! ha im glad you guys are doing good though! good luck with school!

Caroline said...

I have been noticing these same shorts at Gold's Gym, although not to the extent that you are seeing them. I have spent A LOT of time on campus this week and I am not liking what I am seeing. Lot's of tight, tight pants on men and women, feather's just too 80s for me. I had older sisters that dressed like that 20 YEARS AGO. I think I am getting old, because I just can't get down with the fashions...sorry to ramble.