Friday, February 20, 2009

Spiritual Gems

I've been so sick and busy, I've been slacking in the things that are most important. The class I'm currently working on is Teachings of the Living Prophets, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to read the words of the prophets and feel the Spirit every day (while at work, so I'm getting paid; and I get college credit for it~love BYU).
Its amazing, the Gospel. It really is.
I think I forget sometimes.
A favorite quote, which was actually also recently on the R House.
"Make up your mind to be happy-even when you don't have money, even when you don't have a clear complexion, even when you don't have the Nobel Prize. Some of the happiest people I know have none of these things the world insists are necessary for satisfaction and joy. Why are theyhappy? I suppose it is because they don't listen very well. Or they listen too well-to the things their hearts tell them. They glory in the beauty of the earth. They glory in the rivers and the canyons and the call of the meadowlark. They glory in the love of their families, the stumbling steps of a toddler, the wise and tender smile of the elderly. They glory in honest labor. They glory in the scriptures. They glory in the presence of the Holy Ghost. One thing I know for certain: the time we have here goes by far too quickly. Don't waste any more time sitting on the bench watching life pass you by."

Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Lessons Learned in the Journey of Life." Ensign,May 2001, 35.


Golden Girl said...

That is such a great quote and I LOVE the R House! It is probably my favorite blog. You are going to be so cute pregnant in that dress!

Golden Girl said...

That was me, Doré, not Kevin, but I am sure you figured that!

Taryn said...

Thanks for that great quote!

Erin_C said...

Ha ha! Dore, I actually thought it was Kevin at first and i was wondering what what with all the exclamation points;-) and the dress comment. ha ha

yeah, the r house rocks

Cami and Juan said...

I love your blog. This post was especially inspirational. Sometimes it's just so easy to say, I'll be so happy when this happens.

Dusty and Jenny Willis said...

Your blog is so cute! Congratulations on the pregnancy! enjoy it because it goes by way too fast! sounds like things are going great for you and your hubby! good luck! :)

Caroline said...

I just love that you do your own best dressed it is great. You are awesome Erin.