Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Do me a favor?

Will you wear my massive diamond while I play softball? she asked.
(She didn't use those exact words.)
Sure, I reply, but there is a possibility I will walk off with it after the game is over and my hands are completely numb after holding a sleeping baby in the freezing cold without any gloves.
Oh, and did I mention it was freezing cold?
Carly didn't seem to notice.


Karen Thomas said...

nice rock! carly is a snuggle bunny.

Laura and family said...

Um, wow, that is one heck of a ring.

I LOVE Carly's little boots and mittens! She is so cute.

We move in 10 days!! Are you free at all in November? Aaron won't be here until Thanksgiving so I should have plenty of time to come visit! Oh, yes, I just invited myself to meet your daughter... she is irresistable =)

sam and kyrsten said...


Laura said...

hahaha. That is soooo funny! I have had to have the horrible burden (i'm being sarcastic just in case noone knows) of wearing that HUGE (I am not being sarcastic about the hugeness) rock during a game too! Although, I have always threatened to leave with it, but then I lost my nerve. Way to go Erin!!! :)