Monday, January 11, 2010

five months old.

Last night Carly refused to go to sleep until after 2 am.
Her schedule is seriously askew.
We laid her between us and she told us stories in the dark.
A good way to celebrate her 5-month mark, I think.
Carly, at five months you . . .

*talk a lot. And you talk loud. You are starting to make distinct sounds, like "na na na", "bububu", and "dah!"

*are pretty close to sitting up on your own. I'm guessing by 6 months old you will.

*grab everything. You're spilling glasses of water and throwing things on the ground and putting everything in your mouth.

*smile as big and beautiful as ever. I love you smile because it doesn't grow like a normal smile. It bursts onto your face.

*like to put on a show. When a crowd is big enough but not too big, you'll talk and squawk and growl and smile like you're showing off.

*require constant entertainment. I can't just put you down and let you play by yourself. You like a lot of stimulation and people to look at and play with.

*have lots of energy! You wiggle a lot and look at kids who are walking like "Hey, how do you do that?"

*giggle more frequently, especially when daddy is playing with you.

*love mommy's hair. You like to put it in your mouth. When you put someone else's hair in your mouth you make a disgusted look and spit it out.

*are so fun and so cute and getting more and more wonderful every day. We can't believe how fast you're growing.

Happy five months, Car. We're glad you joined us.


Stacey said...

Seriously, you and Chris have made one beautiful girl!

Karen Thomas said...

Love the 5-month-old version of Carly! jt