Friday, October 17, 2008

Another Twist on Prop 8

Well, of course I'm all about voting 'Yes' on Prop 8 in order to support the definition of marriage, but this is a whole new twist on the subject.

This adoption blog is one of my favorite blogs that I blog stalk (creepy, I know).

The author brought up a whole new perspective on Prop 8 that I had never heard of nor thought of before.

If Prop 8 doesn't pass, it messes up adoption through religious adoption agencies (like LDSFS) because those agencies do not offer services to homosexual couples.

Here is what she has to say (but you should check out her post too; I love it):

"If it [Prop 8] does not pass, it will be very near impossible for LDSFS to continue in the adoption world. already in Massachusetts, LDSFS is getting pressure to close its doors as they do not offer services to homosexual couples. you may be thinking, "well, LDSFS doesn't offer services to heterosexual couples who are not endowed, sealed and active members of the Church." that is true and that is under attack as well.

Here is what you need to know about prop 8 from an adoption standpoint:Religious adoption agencies will be challenged by government agencies to give up their long-held right to place children only in homes with both a mother and a father. Catholic Charities in Boston already closed its doors in Massachusetts (after 100 years of practice) because courts legalized same-sex marriage there."

I love adoption.
There is a lot of it in my family and I think it is an amazing blessing for everyone involved.
Beautiful eternal families are built through adoption.
It breaks my heart to think of what the failure of Prop 8 could do to families in CA wanting to place or adopt.

VOTE YES ON PROP 8 (if you get to vote, that is)

And have a good weekend :- )

1 comment:

Karen Thomas said...

it horrifies me to think of the possibilities.