Saturday, December 15, 2012

a mother's heart.

Friday morning I heard the news of the Connecticut shooting and I read in horror, then watched in horror. I looked at my three-year-old and how she is just a few short years from being a kindergartner herself. I thought about sending her to school and her never coming back. And I thought about the terror those kids must have felt. And I was sick.

I painted her nails. I let her stay up past naptime while we played. I kissed her and hugged her until she looked at me like I was crazy. I just stared at her, studying her innocent little face and listening closer to her voice than I have in a long time. And I fought back the tears.

This morning, there has been no fighting them. The tears have come. Twenty babies who have presents waiting under the tree for them are not coming home. And while I know they are safe with the Savior, that doesn't change the sadness.

I read this this morning, and wept.

There is nothing in this world Carly loves more than a good story. She loves to "hold the book and turn the pages." What an incredible woman, to protect those children in more than one way.

My mother's heart is heavy.

1 comment:

Golden Girl said...

Beautifully written Erin. I cried all day yesterday. It is a real life horror story. I keep thinking of the parents who rushed to the firehouse to pick up their kids and they weren't there. And how scared the children must have felt. Especially the ones that saw most of their classmates be shot to death. It is just so heartbreaking. It is hard enough to send our precious babies out into the world alone and the one place they should be safe is school. Every morning when I leave Novalie at school, I give her a tight hug and kiss. She says almost daily, "Mom, you don't have to hug and kiss me everyday." (She's getting too cool for that) Oh, yes I do sweet daughter and it isn't going to change anytime soon. The only peace I feel is knowing that this sick kid will get his justice when he meets his Maker.