Saturday, January 5, 2013

the clock strikes twelve.

On New Year's Eve, I was totally exhausted.
We had just got home from our trip and had two sick babies who weren't sleeping.
(Was that past tense? It is still going on . . . )
We had family in town which was fun, and we had the T Family traditional finger foods buffet.
I love New Year's Eve.
But this year, I wasn't feeling it.

Both babies were up, and Chris and I were up in their dark room trying to get them down.
Quinn went down, and I left and sat on the top step.
Chris followed me soon after.
We sat on that top step, both drained.
2012 has been a long year for us.
A blessed year, but, oh, so long.
And hard.
Hard in a blessed way.
But hard.

We listened to our babies moan and whine, and in that moment there was not a single thing I wanted more in the entire world than for them to go to sleep so I could go to sleep.
In the midst of the whining, we heard fireworks.

"Is it midnight?" I asked.
"I think so," Chris replied.
We looked at each other, and leaned in for our midnight kiss.
No sparkly dresses or fancy parties.
Not even a glass of Martinelli's.
It was a New Year's Eve that perfectly fit our year: we were tired, we were worn, but we were together.

2012 taught me a lot, but more than anything, it taught me I married the right man.
And I'm sure glad we're on the same team.

And even though I wonder sometimes why on Earth anyone ever has kids, I sure do love ours.
Even if I don't always like them.

[this is the best I could get: the C kids on the last day of 2012.]

Now its 2013.
I do love a chance to look ahead, and try a little harder to be a little better.

When I was in high school, my dad kept nicknaming years, like "The Year of Adventure" and so forth. Well, I have dubbed 2013 "The Year of Enrichment". I feel like 2012 was about change, chaos, and survival. So this year is about enjoying, improving, and enriching our lives.

I've got a few goals:
-read Les Miserables (4 pages a day, and I can finish by 2014)
-keep an index card journal (as seen on Pinterest)
-run a half marathon
-reduce the amount of tv we watch and increase play

Chris wants to work out more, now that his schedule may actually allow for it. 
And he wants to be a 100% home teacher (!).

We have family goals too, the biggest one of which may be to be on time to church. 
It is so dang hard for us. I don't understand why.

I explained to Carly what a goal is: "Something you want to do, or get better at." 
So Carly's 2013 resolution?
"A puzzle!"
We will be getting her a new puzzle.

So here's to 2012, the blessings it brought and the lessons it taught.

Happy 2013.

1 comment:

Taryn said...

Puzzles were totally at the top of my list, too :) but really, 2012 made me tired, so I am sure you are just plain exhausted. I do love a fresh start and the chance to reorganize my life so it is nice to have something to look forward to. Happy New Year!