One of my newest television obsessions is "The Biggest Loser". For those of you who aren't familiar, it is a reality show (not usually a fan) that takes people who are overweight, has them live in a house and learn how to cook and eat properly, deals with why they over-eat, and has them work out--a lot. Each episode has a "challenge" where the winners get some sort of prize. Then at the end is the ultra-intense "weigh in". Each contestant must stand on the scale to see how much weight they lost over the week. The team with the lower total weight loss percentage has to vote to send someone home.
I enjoy this show for a variety of reasons. First, I think (and some people disagree with me) that it is real, or kind of real--however real a reality show can be. The people really lose massive amounts of weight because they do nothing but work out. It is amazing to see the changes over time. Also, it addresses a real issue in American society today. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in America, and it is mostly caused by obesity. I think its important that a show (even a "reality" show) bring attention to how important it is to stay healthy. I like how they teach the contestants how to cook, how to work out effectively, and how to deal with eating triggers.
Another thing I like about The Biggest Loser is that is stresses being healthy, not being supermodel thin. Normal people don't look like Heidi Klum (though I wish I did--ha ha), but everyone can stay healthy. When someone goes home, they usually so some current footage of them and how they have continued to lose weight at home. They never look super skinny, but they always look great and healthy and say they feel better. I like that they stress health over "good looks". Finally, its great because it is entertaining and suspensful. They throw in drama, rewards, contests, and then there is the vote to kick someone off. Classic, clean reality TV.

Its interesting though, because the above cartoon is about how people stay on the couch eating chips while watching the show. So, with the help of this "inspirational" show and Chris (Mr. Exercise Science), I've begun an exercise program. I have gained a few pounds since marriage (something about marriage automatically makes you chubby), but I'm really just more concerned with being healthy and having energy. Today Chris taught me how to "cardio lift" which is great for me because I hate treadmills. Anyway, its only the beginning so hopefully I can stick to it with all the school and work that consumes my life. I want to be a Loser, too!