Friday, February 29, 2008

Another Graduate School Letter . . . . almost

So we had something really funny happen to us this week (well, I thought it was very funny; Chris will agree eventually). Each day as we walk to our mailbox after we get home, we both feel a little tense and nervous, wondering if a letter from a grad school awaits us. This week (I think it was Tuesday) we found a very official looking envelope from BYU in our mailbox. We were both anxious as we walked back inside. When we got the letter from Tennessee we just ripped it open, so this time around I figured I should take some pictures and capture the moment. We took some pictures of Chris opening his envelope. We leaned in to see what impact this piece of paper would have on our future and read . . . . We were invited to a dinner to celebrate graduation (and we have to pay for entry)! It was a letter from the undergraduate Exercise Science program, not the graduate school. I laughed really hard; Chris grabbed his phone and immediately called the remaining schools to find out when to be expecting letters. He learned the remaining 3 won't show up until mid-March; so we can take a breather.

Oh . . . and we are not going to the dinner.


Anonymous said...

That is really funny! That has happened to Spencer too...only it we need more information or our final decision will be made in 2 weeks. Waiting around to hear from a school is frustrating! It will be exciting to see where you guys will be going!

L said...

erin! how do i get a cute blog? i'm at a complete loss.