Sunday, June 8, 2008

Failed Chronicles, All-Nighters, and a New Home

Well, its Sunday June 8th. I'm telling you this because I don't plan on posting this until Thursday. Chris is in Indiana/Tennessee all week to check out campus and apartments (hopefully we'll have a home soon!), and I'd like to blog about it, but I'd prefer not to announce to anyone who comes across this that I'm home alone all week. This old creaky house already makes so many noises that freak me out. Just a minute ago I walked through and turned on every light holding the only weapon I could find: my blowdryer. Luckily, it was just the house making noises, so my blowdryer was spared. This morning I took Chris to the airport at 6 am. It was my first major freeway journey on my own since my rollover (yes, for me Salt Lake is a major journey on the freeway). I did fairly well, in my opinion. I did miss the ramp to I-15 and ended up in downtown Salt Lake, but its always nice to get a glimpse of the beautiful Temple, especially at 7:00 Sunday morning. I made my way home though. I've been delirious all day. Church was exceptional, thankfully, or I definitely would not have stayed awake the whole time. Its weird, though, when you don't really talk too much to anyone ALL DAY. Chris called tonight and it felt weird to talk so much! Anyway, I'm avoiding going to sleep because I can't fall asleep without Chris next to me, but I'm torn because all the late-night house noises are terrifying. I'm the worst bachelorette ever.
Well, I was going to do the bachelorette chronicles every day, but I was so busy all week I haven't had the chance to blog at all! So, it will just have to be one chronicle. This week has been insane. I have not been to bed before 2:30 since Saturday night (when I went to bed at 1:30). At first it was because I couldn't sleep without Chris, but the last couple nights have been because I had so much to get done! I had a 10 page research paper due today. I stayed up all night and at 5:30 this morning I went to sleep for 3 hours, woke up and finished it up! Thank goodness that is over! Now all I have is finals week and I'm all done forever.
Chris's trip to Tennessee was successful. He met with advisers and and the director in charge of his assistantship. Then he looked around at a million apartment complexes and . . . . we have a place to live! Its a really nice place (from what I hear). Two bedrooms. Has lots of land around it, tennis courts, etc. It has 2 bedrooms and a simple layout, but its pretty big and I think we'll enjoy it. We are really close to a part of town that has a lot of job possibilities for me and there is a bus stop right outside that goes down to campus. And the church (the only one in the whole city) is 100 yards down the road. So its a really good location, but not down by the busy part of town and campus. I'm excited to see it and feeling ready to move soon!
Well, that's all that's been going on with us. Just busy! One week from today is when finals end and all the fun begins!


Lauren Davison said...

Hooray! I'm hoping I don't have to be a pseudo-bachelorette anytime soon. I think I would... well... probably do nothing the whole time.

Except cry. :)

JoSue said...

Oh man, that's awesome you're almost done with school. Spring/Summer is always more stressful because it's so condensed. You're so close though!

That's also nice you guys found housing. We are in the middle of doing that here in Dallas and I am so tired of looking! So way to go Chris! Good luck with finals!

Nat said...

Mike goes on business trips all the time so I can sympathize about how creepy it is being in a dark apartment by yourself at night. I ALWAYS sleep with a nightlight or hall light on when he's gone.

beckster said...

Yippee!!!!! When are you guys planning on moving? I want to see pics of this place when we get to Omaha!