House of Comedy Summer Vacation 2009: How does Hawaii sound?
They have orange displays in EVERY store. Its not hard to find UT gear. Orange T's painted all the way down the sidewalks on campus.
Public transportation
The HUGE stadium (all the railings are orange--it looks like its under construction) Yes, even the sports cars come in orange and white.
This is neat--look, the shape of the state of Tennessee is in the UT logo--cute!Pat Summitt St. Dedicated to my mom:
Things you never see on BYU's campus. (I wanted to take more pictures of things you never see at BYU, but I didn't think the bikini-clad girls would appreciate that.)
Finally, my gorgeous husband preparing for class. That box contains all his books--he got 6 nice hard-bound books for $250! He asked me to guess the price and I said around $600, because that's about how much they would have cost at BYU. But $250!? You can get a binder and a thesaurus for that much at BYU.
Anyway. His classes are going great. They were a little overwhelming at first, but he has picked right up into the swing of things, like I knew he would. He's just amazing like that.
Now if only I could find a job.
This is the mens beach volleyball team, Rogers and Dalhausser. They have been the most surprisingly entertaining thing for me during this Olympics. They are so fun to watch and amazingly talented. Love them. A word on the women's gymnastics though. I don't know if China got the memo, but the gymnasts are supposed to turn 16 during the Olympic year (and I mean 2008, not 2012). Look at their team! Not 16. They look like they average about 12 or 13 years old. And the U.S. girls keep getting screwed over (excuse the language) by this insane new system of judging. Annoying. I don't know, China just seems like they are a little fishy, raking in all those gold medals. I know, I'm bias. But I'm ok with that. I still think something fishy is going on in one way, shape, or form. Nastia should have won the uneven bars. I just finished watching her lose in that "tie break", and I'm rather bitter, in case you can't tell (remember when I said I get way too emotionally invested?). Anyway. . . .
And last but definitely not least: Mr. Phelps.
Remember that one time that I was 10 feet away from Mr. Phelps?
That was awesome.
He is awesome. Going 8 for 8 in Gold Medals is awesome.
And he is the only person in the world who is better looking in a swim cap than without one, so that's impressive too.
And his races were so exciting. That last relay where he was going for Gold #8 nearly gave me a heart attack, my heart was beating so fast. I felt like I was going to be sick (remember when I said I get way too emotionally invested?). I'm glad he pulled it out--with the help of his teammates of course, who I think all too often get lost in the hype. Jason Lezak is the man and Phelps really owes two of his medals to him (remember that 4 x 100 M relay--talk about a heart attack).
I heart you, Olympics. Please don't end.
This movie looks pretty kid-friendly, right??