Sunday, May 30, 2010
30 on the 30th
Saturday, May 29, 2010
and here we have idaho.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
frequent flyers.
Friday, May 21, 2010
a day with the fam.
- we went to Molinelli's and got all our wedding rings dipped and polished. my rings look bright and dazzling and brand new. i'm a little giddy.
- we went to the big messy unorganized glorious used book store. chris and i came out with 3 books for $10. soon i will know everything there is to know about queen noor. i love autobiographies.
- we went on a long walk after dinner. it was chilly. idaho can be like that in may. but we passed by our old old old house that we lived in as children and reminisced.
- we watched the single family home video the T family has. good thing its the most entertaining minutes that could have possibly been captured.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
under one roof.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
master of the house.

It was nice, especially since I sat through the whole thing while Carly wandered through the halls with her ma-maw. And the Mexican food following was even nicer. Chris sees this as just another stepping stone. The next step until the ultimate goal: the giant PhD hood from Michigan State. But Carly and I, we are proud of our boy. He worked so hard. He did so much.
Yes, we are very proud of our boy.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
nine months old.

*are an energizer bunny. Every day you go - go - go. You are a busy girl and have so much to do, so little time to do it.
*get into everything. Cupboards, drawers, closets, shelves. Nothing is safe. You are even able to push doors open when I think I've shut them tight. You have a magic touch. But your favorite things to get into? The dishwasher and the fridge. I'm currently considering getting a safety gate to block off the kitchen.
*have a slight obsession with shoes. Like mother like daughter, I suppose. Only you don't like to wear them. You love to suck and chew on them. It grosses me out. We are learning to keep our closet doors shut, because no matter where you are your internal shoe radar will lead you straight to them.
*love love love your daddy. You love to play with him and you are so excited when he gets home. When he walks into a room you grunt and squeal like "Ok, daddy, lets play!".
*are just starting to grow out of your 3-6/6 month clothes. Finally! You have a ton of 9 and 12 month clothes for the summer and I'm stressing that you won't fit in them.
*are so funny when you wake up. You never cry. You just lay in your crib and moan until I come get you, and when I open the door you whip around and pull right up in your crib with a big smile and start jabbering away. You obviously have a lot to tell me every morning.
*continue to be our expert sleeper. About 10-12 hours every night.
*continue to be our lousy eater. You seem to find other things much more important than eating. But I've found that if I time it just right it works. You can't be too tired or too hungry, but you have to be tired and hungry enough. I have started giving you real banana pieces though, and you love feeding yourself and chewing the food. Maybe you're just not a fan of baby food. I wouldn't be either.
*have so much personality. We call you a diva and your daddy says "I have no idea where she got that from." That's called sarcasm, because he seems to think you got it from me. One example is you love giving kisses . . . if you're in the mood. If not you will literally push our faces away with your hands. And sometimes when we try to snuggle you, you wave your arms like "Give me my space!". Its hilarious.
*love attention. You love when people look at you and smile at you. You smile back and make happy squawking noises. And everyone tells you how cute you are. You are such a ham.
*are so beautiful. We can't get over how much joy you bring us.
Happy nine months, Car. We are glad you joined us.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
{3} here comes the sun.
Our final night we got ice cream cones (only I didn't get a cone) and walked along the beach at sunset. I have a hard time saying goodbye to the ocean. As much as I love it, we just don't have the opportunity to go as much as I would like. Our last visit to the beach was 4 years ago on our honeymoon. I said my goodbyes with my feet in the waves as the sun went down. I watched my handsome husband walk toward our beachfront hotel with my beautiful baby. And I didn't want our escape from reality to end.
It was a beautiful vacation.
{The end.}
sometimes taylor says it best.

The nine months I have spent as Carly's mother have been the greatest nine months of my life.
But they have also been the hardest nine months of my life.
And they have taught me how very lucky I am to be blessed with my wonderful mother/best friend/example. Motherhood is no easy thing. But my mother makes it look easy.
I am who I am because of her. I hope Carly can proudly say that about me some day.
Merci, ma mere.
Je t'aime.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
{2} the day the rain came.
The aquarium heavily advertised two main attractions: Penguin Planet and the White [albino] alligator. I love penguins, but Penguin Planet was really more of a Penguin Village. Or neighborhood. Not very big at all. But they were very cute and Carly liked watching them swim around.
My favorite. CUTEST teal shutters.
We ended our night with the Cubs and Penguins on TV in our hotel room while the rain continued to fall. It was a wonderful day. And even better? The sun was on its way.
{to be continued . . . }
Friday, May 7, 2010
{1} ahead of the storm.
{to be continued . . . }