Friday, October 7, 2011


Our Church held it's semi-annual General Conference this past weekend.
Its always a chance to relax, escape from the world,
and hear messages from people we believe are representatives of God.

Our weekend involved some amazing apple cobbler, meals with friends,
and an incredibly well-behaved toddler.

Our internet went out 5 minutes after noon on Saturday.
I mean, the Choir was still singing the opening song.
Nice timing, right?

We ended up listening to the Morning Session on my phone, which did not make for easy listening.
Chris was playing with Carly while I lied next to the phone.
Its been a hard few months, and I needed this Conference.
Through the static I heard my favorite talk of the whole Conference.

And my very favorite one-liner, perhaps ever:

"This is a paradox of man: compared to God, man is nothing;
yet we are everything to God."
-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, You Matter to Him, October 2011-

We are everything to God is now on frequent replay in my brain.
Because sometimes its easy to forget.

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