Friday, September 11, 2009

one month old.

As of yesterday.

Its amazing how time can fly and crawl simultaneously,

as it has been the longest and shortest month of my life.


Carly, at one month you . . .

*have abnormally large hands and love to have them by your face and stretch your fingers out one at a time.

*have no love lost for tummy time.

*love your daddy. You love to grip his shirt and sleep on his chest. I can tell you are excited when he gets home every evening.

*love when I tickle your cheek with my hair. You're not as big a fan of me sticking my hair up your nose, which I do occasionally for kicks.

*gag on pacifiers. I'm still working on getting you to take one.

*like to party late into the night, then sleep in until noon.

*are very curious. You like to be walked around the apartment so you can look at everything.

*have your daddy's eyes, but your hair can't decide if it wants to be red or brown.

*are the most beautiful, smartest, awesomest baby born in the history of the world. No really, you are. Me and your daddy both agree on this one.

Happy one month, Car. We're glad you joined us.


Taryn said...

Such a cute picture! She is beautiful. Hope you are having fun with her :)

Casey and Kristi said...

That picture is PRECIOUS!!!

Lanenga Family said...

She's so cute!

sam and kyrsten said...

she is adorable. happy one month time really does fly-im sure especially for you!