Tuesday, April 5, 2011

the best of friends.

Carly is an all-around loving girl.
But she just has a special place in her heart for dishtowels.
We don't get it.
But we do love it.
Towels have ascended beyond the position of comfort objects onto the honor of real friend. I am frequently required to give towel kisses. Towel comes to the park and Carly giggles as she sends it down the slide. If she leaves towel in another room, she will go looking for it: "Towel!? Towel!? Oh! Hi, towel!". And the more the better. There are few more heart-melting scenes then watching Carly settle in her crib, draping herself in dishtowels.

We call her quirky.
We call her unique.
We call her fabulous.

And yes, I have to push towel on the swing too.
She screams in delight: "Shwing, towel!".
I'm sure we are quite the sight.


Stacey said...

I love it! We left T's dog blanket at home the other night and he was in need of some major comforting. We had a dishtowel in the backseat and I thought of Carly. I tried to offer it to him, no such luck. Glad they make her so happy. Enjoy those little first loves, they don't last forever! Haha, and I love that you push Towel on the swing. The things we do for out kids!

Taryn said...

This picture cracks me up! Her undying love for her towels is too sweet! I guess as long as she grows out of it by college it is all good :)

WeBeR FaM said...

Her attachment to towels is so cute! I like how she makes you push it on the swing:) At least she has something that comforts her. It's funny out of all of the possible objects she choses dish towels! So silly! My oldest was never attached to anything! I kept getting her blankets and stuffed animals and nothing! I just wanted her to be comforted by something!

The Apron Gal said...

that is perhaps the funniest I have ever heard!

Jason Thomas said...

This is awesome!