Thursday, May 3, 2012

did I mention . . .

Did I mention me and the three little pigs are in Indiana for the week? It is Chris's finals week, meaning he would be gone from the early hours until the very late hours, and would need to actually sleep during the night. So, to let him sleep and let me preserve my sanity, his dad came up and drove this circus down to stay with them. A toddler who screams every time a baby cries and two little babies in one car for 4 hours? It was quite the party. But it has been a huge blessing. I went shopping by myself (twice!), and there are lots of baby holders and Carly entertainers. And I've only had to take care of one baby at night. Talk about a vacation. But I miss my man. I can't wait to see him tomorrow night.

Did I mention Chris is finishing up his 2nd year? That means we are half-way done with the this current adventure. I can't believe we've already been here two years. Things sure can change in that amount of time! I am generally not in the business of wishing time away, but in exactly 1 year, Chris will be ABD (all but dissertation) and the babies will be at the fun early toddler stage. We'll be riding high. But for now, I'm just glad this semester is over. I remember in January thinking we wouldn't survive it, with Chris's intense schedule and the impending arrival of the duo. And now look at us. Here we are and we're still mostly alive.

Did I mention Carly is in the 90th percentile for height? The girl is a beanpole. Between that and her impressive ability to chat up strangers, no wonder I get asked if she is "three or four?" I just stocked up on summer dresses (I heart Once Upon a Child), and got all 4T. 4T! She's got these mile-long legs that she can't control, so she falls over herself constantly. I hope we can escape summer without a broken arm.

Did I mention the babies are sleeping like champs at night these days? Quinn seems to wake up once at about 4 (thats what her grandma tells me this week, we're playing man-on-man defense), and the last two nights John has gone to bed at11:30 or 12 and slept until 7. Two problems: John's excellent sleeping occurs in bed with me. Bad bad habit. When I had Carly I never let her sleep in bed with me, but John has pushed my limits. He needs to know how to sleep in his crib, so I'm going to make it a goal to be more strict when we get home where his crib is. The other problem: neither of them sleep during the day very well anymore. Insanity. Carly did that, but she was an only child and a very pleasant baby. Dealing with cranky-pants John being up all morning along with both his poor neglected sisters has just about sent me over the edge these last few days. Thank goodness Chris's schedule is easing up just a bit so we can survive this phase. I love my babies, but we are hitting my least favorite phase: where they are no longer sleeping all day like newborns, but they don't sit or play or smile much and can't move. And they are cranky about it. If we could skip from 2 to 6 months, that would be fine with me. But remember, I'm not in the business of wishing time away . . .

And because no one likes a picture-less post: look at this picture I found on my in-laws' computer. My first baby, 2 years ago. Time flies.

1 comment:

Laura said...

What a cute Carly.

I admire you making through this hard baby time with two babies!!!!! That is the time that is the hardest thing ever and then they get so cute and fun that we forget about how terrible it can be and then we want to do it again. Ha. You are a trouper. Hopefully it will get better soon. Yay for Chris almost being a little more free!