Friday, June 26, 2009

1096 Days

That's 3 years.
Plus 1 leap day.

Our 3rd Anniversary was Wednesday.
We had lots of plans. None of them really worked out.
{Stupid Transformers knocking Angels and Demons out of every movie theater}
We are having 3rd Anniversary Part Two tomorrow.
That's the glory of eternal marriage.
You always have more days.
"Every man who truly loves a woman and every woman who truly loves a man hopes and dreams that their companionship will last forever. But marriage is a covenant sealed by authority. If that authority is of the state alone, it will endure only while the state has jurisdiction, and that jurisdiction ends with death. But add to the authority of the state the power of the endowment given by Him who overcame death, and that companionship will endure beyond life if the parties to the marriage live worthy of the promise."
~President Gordon B. Hinckley, who knows a little something about eternal marriage
I'm grateful, and lucky, I get him forever.

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