Saturday, April 9, 2011

saturday is a special day.

my saturday went something like this:

chris didn't have to go into school.
we went to MSU's butterfly garden with our little butterfly.

we went to the children's garden near the butterfly garden.
can't wait to see it in the summer.

went to qdoba for lunch.
had my first MSU Dairy Store ice cream experience.
it gave the BYU Creamery a run for it's money.

took a nap as long as carly's while chris graded papers.
went to the gym while chris and carly ran to the store for tampons (ha!).
carly got to look at all the fishies at the store.

came back from the gym to find my two favs playing at our neighborhood park.
when i pulled up carly came running to me: "mama! mama!".

put carly down and she blew me kisses through the bars of her crib.
long shower.
nachos for dinner.
painted my nails.

its 1 am and we're watching Star Wars.

best saturday ever.


Taryn said...

Sounds delightful! Except for the staying up until 1am part...aren't you old and married like us? We can hardly stay up past 11!

Rebecca said...

That is one great Sat! I am glad you went to the MUS stuff! They have good family activities. But 1 am I am so old......