Thursday, February 23, 2012

thirty-five and fab.

We hit 35 weeks this past weekend, and we're quickly approaching 36.
Time is flying, and yet it can't move fast enough.
Oh, sweet babies. We can't wait to meet you.

My uncomfortableness exists on several levels. First, and this is in no particular order, I don't really sleep. Constantly throughout the night I wake up to stabbing pains in my hips and grab my tummy and lift and rotate over to my other side. In between rotations we have the potty breaks, which are have suddenly jumped to 3 times a night. I get up and hobble over to the bathroom, groaning in pain. Chris used to wake up freaked out and ask if I was in labor. He has since adjusted and rarely wakes anymore. I'm glad. He needs his rest. And if I was in labor, I would surely wake him.

My tummy is stretched just about to its max. My left side, where baby boy spends 90% of his time trying to burst through, is stretched to far that is is shiny. It gives me the creeps and I can't touch it. It is also covered with a lovely web of stretch marks. My right side is still relatively normal looking. Baby boy is grounded upon his arrival, to say the least. At my last ultrasound two weeks ago Miss A was just over 4.5 lbs and Boy B was just under. Boy is still breech. We'll see them again next week to check weight and positioning, but I think they are officially too squished for him to flip now.

We began our twice-a-week non-stress tests this week, and both went flawlessly. Except they have a hard time keeping Boy's heartrate on the monitor, and the nurse called him a "pain in the butt". That is now 3 medical professionals who have called him a trouble maker. Poor kid has quite the rep. Today's test even showed I had a few contractions, a bright spot for me, as I haven't been feeling any sort of contractions whatsoever. Its nice to know something is happening, and sometime these kids will come. Eventually.

My fear of having the babies too early has officially shifted to a fear of having them way late. Of course, we want healthy babies that can come home right away, and as we approach 36 weeks, we're pretty much there. But going to 39 weeks or more has entered the realm of possibility as things progress with no problems at all. And I seriously doubt my ability to make it that far, emotionally just as much as physically.

Because you see, at this point I'm pretty much constantly on the brink of tears. Not because I'm sad or because something is wrong. But because this whole pregnancy has been quite the marathon, from the extreme sickness, to the emotional roller-coaster of finding out about the twins, to the physical challenges in these final months. I'm tired in just about every way possible.

So if you're a stranger who runs into me at this point, you'll see a lady with bags under her eyes hobbling around in yoga pants and a shirt that barely covers her beach ball tummy. You'll wonder when the heck she is due, and you'll wonder why her little girl is wearing a purple shirt, pink pants, and red shoes (the answer: the girl dresses herself, and the giant pregnant lady doesn't have the reserves to fight about it). You'll casually ask when she is due, and when you hear she's having twins, your face will register a look that says "Oh, that makes more sense" and you'll make some comment about your sister's friend's boss who had twins and be on your way, thankful its not you.

As for the giant pregnant lady? She'll head home and curl up on the couch with that cute little girl who won't take her red shoes off. They'll watch Balto and color with markers and eat sandwiches for lunch before they both settle in for a long nap. And she'll think about the chaos of her impending twins, but also have a heart full of joy and excitement at what the coming weeks, months, and years hold. And she'll think about baby names for the 7 millionth time in the moments just before she falls asleep. And she'll feel very very grateful.


Taryn said...

I think I am a little overly emotional these days, but this totally made me cry. And laugh, "90 lbs each"...haha. I am stressed and excited and tired for you, girl! But you seem like you have done a great job and you are going to do that much better of one once they are snuggled in your arms. Good luck!

Brittany said...

Just wanted to wish you good luck in the next few weeks! I think I'm only a week ahead of you, so maybe our babies will arrive at the same time. If you've made it this far with twins, you're doing awesome.

I'm also jealous you only get up 3 times at night to use the restroom. I've been at 4-5 for most of my pregnancy. Lots of fun! :) Anyway, best of luck to you and you have my sympathy with the emotions.

Cami and Juan said...

Definitely a relief to know the babies can come and be a healthy weight at any time now. Good for you still going out in public with Carly. I would be permanently planted on that couch, waiting.

Jamie Boyd said...

You are amazing. Absolutely amazing. You know that, right? We'll be praying for you the next few weeks.

Rebecca said...

I bet you are tired! Way to go! You are so tough and these kids will love you to pieces. Please let me watch Carly again sometime and anything else I can do for you!

30 by 30 said...

You are doing so great. You look great too. I can't imagine the suspense in waiting for those little babies. You guys are going to do great!

The Gray Gang said...

I know you don't really know me. But you write stuff that's fun to read. I'm wishing you the best of luck these next few weeks. I was just getting ready to go to bed and thought, "I wonder if Erin has had her babies?" had to hurry and check. Now that I know all is good, I can go to bed! :) good luck. And hope you can catch a few restful winks before this is all over.

The Butcher Family said...

Hang in there. You are so amazing to make it this far! I don't "know" what its like to have twins but you'll be grateful once they're out for every extra day their in. Even 36 wks you could still have a couple week nicu stay (especially the boy!:)). I can't wait to see your update on the kiddos and good luck! We're thinking of you! If you have any nicu questions (hopefully you won't) let me know!

The Bubblegum Chronicles said...

Such a great post!!
Can't wait to see the twins!