Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Feelin' Lucky

I'm so close to my classes being over I could cry.
And have~on several occasions.
Enjoy your St. Patty's Day.
Chris outlawed corned beef and cabbage because its not "healthy".
Well, neither are fruit roll-ups, but I eat 3 of those each day.
Anyway, it works out because I don't have time to cook today anyway.
But I will tomorrow.
Yes, I will tomorrow.


Michael said...

we didn't get to have corned beef either. we went to the smokehouse with a whole group of eager st. pat's celebrators and we were denied! they should have planned ahead better. the beef brisket was still good . . .

TD Quong said...

Fruit roll-ups were a treat when I was little and are still a treat now. I donate blood just so I can get free fruit roll-ups.