Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Parenting Mistakes
Apparently the holes meant for the plastic screws are the wrong size.
Its impossible to get them all the way in.
Then its impossible to get them back out.
This creates a very unstable base.
If Chris tries too hard, the plastic screws break.
Some of them he got in just fine.
One of those caused the wood to split.
Its been a very upsetting process and Chris has been so good trying to get it to work. At this point, I'm loosing hope at trying to make it work. Ikea got two scathing emails from a very upset pregnant girl, complete with pictures. Whether or not they respond remains to be seen. Not sure what we will do about it at this point, as their return policy says we can't return any "assembled" or "damaged" items. And when exactly are we going to trek back to Ohio? What is especially frustrating is that for $20-30 more dollars we could have just gotten a nice Graco crib. In hindsight, it would have been worth it. Guess that's why they say hindsight is 20/20.
On the good news front, the bookcase was put together with ease and is tres cute.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A Memorable Memorial Weekend
Chris's job today is to figure out how to put it together.
I can't wait to see it all set up.
(Thank you to the anonymous grandparental donors of both our crib and our crib bedding. We love them both are are so thankful for your generosity!)
Our getaway was excellent.
The R's said we could come back any time we wanted to.
I'm not so sure they should have made that offer.
Friday, May 22, 2009
"Look at this. Look at what they make you give."

He got it put in as part of a research project he's doing this summer. It measured his blood-sugar levels. It stayed in all week. I couldn't even look at it. But who got to take it out? That would be me. Ew.
On Wednesday morning we were both totally delirious after very little sleep and due to colds taking effect. Chris's back was bothering him thanks to his implant. He leaned over in the car and said, "Look at this . . . . Look at what they make you give." (He is hilarious, that boy).
Look at what the make you give, indeed.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Second Trimester Wrap-Up
My huge, back-aching, feet-destroying belly

Do you have a name picked out?
The official answer is "No, we're waiting until she comes to pick out a name for her." If its a long enough situation, I'll include that we have a few favorites but are keeping them a secret until we pick one. The honest answer? Pretty much. Over the past few months we (or really I--Chris has like one name the most the whole time) have brought a million names into the mix. Some stick around for a while, some fade pretty fast (Sloane lasted about 45 minutes for me, 45 seconds for Chris), but our favorite has been our favorite since the beginning. It is the favorite spoken of in my 1st Trimester Wrap-Up. And as she gets closer to coming, it feels more and more like that's her name. But, for the record, she won't have a name until she's born--no matter how often we call her by that name now. It will be interesting to see if she comes out and we say "Oh! There is our little Betsy!" or "Wow, she really isn't a Betsy after all." (You can rest assured the name is not Betsy).
Speaking of naming Lil', want to hear a funny story? Elder D. Todd Christofferson of The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was at my graduation. Now, I blame my impressive faith in the men called of God, but sometimes I think weird things in the presence of an apostle. In this case, I knew I would get to shake his hand when I walked across the stage. In the midst of my naming angst, I thought Maybe he'll say "Congratulations. Your baby's name should be Ella" (Ella is not on our list either). Hey, the day of miracles has not ceased, so who knows, right? However, I walked across the stage, he shook my hand and looked me in the eyes and said "Congratulations." And that was it. Guess the Lord is leaving the naming of our child up to us. Chris was quite the devil's advocate when he said "But what if he had told you we were supposed to name the baby Dorothy?" Hmmmm . . . .
Are you going to get an epidural?
Yes. Everyone has different opinions, and that is great, but I'm all about the epidural. Here's one thing though, and I want stories/opinions. It seems like every story I hear about being induced ends with a super-long labor and then a C-section. Its like inductions really just end in a mess. Because of this, I've started to feel like I'd rather be a week late than be induced if it was just a matter of convenience and not Lil's health. Does anyone have input on that one?
Are you scared?
I get this a lot and am never sure how to answer. Of the birth? Not really. I figure she will come out one way or another. I don't pretend like I know what to expect. I'm realistic enough to know its a pain you cannot prepare for, but a pain that will be well worth it. Of having a kid? Not really. I don't think you can prepare for that either. I mean, you do your best to prepare physically, emotionally, spiritually, but I think the change is too great and too unreal. I think you learn as you go. Am a ready to be a mom? I don't know. Is anyone every really ready?
What I am afraid of? Something happening to Lil'. I worry about her too much. She takes a 10 minute break from wiggling and I'm take breaths to stay calm. Its totally psycho. I'm also afraid of Lil' growing up. I look at 12 month clothes and I can't believe she'll ever be that big. I want her to stay my little baby forever. Is that too much to ask?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Welcome Home
Friday, May 15, 2009
A Little About Us, Currently
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Getting to Know Me: Celiac Disease

And because you were wondering: my wedding cake was made from Rice Crispy Treats
Getting All Technical
I'm not a medical expert (I know, you thought I was with my B.S. in Sociology, but I'm not), so here's a Erin-version of Celiac disease: the villi in one's intestines are supposed to suck nutrients out of food, leaving just waste to exit in peace. My villi, however, are destroyed by "gluten" rather than recognizing it for the nutrient it is, leaving them incapable of doing their nutrient-sucking duties. This creates several problems, including malnutrition, exhaustion, infertility, upset stomach and extra bathroom time, higher cancer rates, stunted growth, etc. Fortunately, I really only dealt with an upset stomach and falling asleep everywhere I went, including driving down I-15. When you stop eating gluten, your villi heal up all nice and new and start functioning perfectly. So while there is no "cure" for Celiac Disease, it is "easily" manageable. (I like to say easily because its all about diet--no chemo, medications, etc--I'm lucky).
Wheat-Free, Worry-Free
A gluten-free diet, however, is not as glamorous as it sounds (because I know it sounds really glamorous). No breads, pasta, oats, cookies, brownies, pastries. Does it have flour in it? If it is bready, soft, and delicious, than it probably does--and I can't eat it. Missing out on most things doesn't really phase me these days--I'm accustomed to smelling the goods rather than eating them. Somewhat acceptable gluten-free replacements can be found. Once in a while something will come up that will torture me. My current torturer? Those Dominoes pasta in a breadbowl things. Those commercials strike pain in my heart, because it looks like the most brilliant invention ever. The only significant problem is convenience. Quick, easy food that doesn't require any sort of preparation and is somewhat filling is almost non-existent. This means the lunches I bring to work are quite a production--and traveling is a pain in the rear. Its hard to bring things, and you never know if airport food is safe to eat. Therefore, I have what is called my "airport prayer", which involves my saying I don't know if this food is perfectly safe, but I really really tried to find something smart to eat, so please please bless I won't get sick from eating this. For the record, I have never been sick from Celiac Disease in an airport after all the meals I've had while traveling (pregnancy, on the other hand, did quite the number on me . . . ).
Social Commentary
I remember shortly after I was diagnosed, I attended a seminar held by BYU's dietetics program. On the top of my note paper I wrote in large letters "I AM A CELIAC". The speaker's opening point? "Don't identify yourself by your disease. You are not a Celiac. You have Celiac". Whoops. Intense. I promptly crossed out "am a" and replaced it with "have". For me, Celiac Disease just folded itself into my life, rarely a huge inconvenience. It was better to feel good than to feel bad, and it was as easy as that. One comment I get a lot is "that must be hard; I could never do that." Oh, I bet you could if it meant not being sick all day every day. And yeah its, hard, but so is college, and people always go to college (ok, maybe that's a bad example). One thing that annoys me is the stronger version of that comment. One person said to me "Wow! Your life must suck!" You know what? My life does suck. Happy marriage, college education, wonderful family, pretty baby girl . . . but I can't eat that brownie so my life totally sucks. No people, my life is much better gluten-free. Trust me.
Mixing the Rules
One of my favorite things that has happened concerning my Celiac-ness is when I started my job here at UT. People quickly picked up on 3 things: 1-I was Mormon, 2-I was allergic to wheat, and 3-I was trying to eat healthier (which is just crazy talk to Southerners). When I turned down coffee, I was asked "Is that your religion, or does it have wheat in it?" No chocolate cake: "Oh, right, Mormons can't eat chocolate." What? No, its the wheat. It was something my co-workers had a hard time getting straight, and was totally hilarious to me.
In Conclusion
Ok, I don't really have a conclusion. Its just part of my life; a part so well-blended into my everyday that I don't even really think about it anymore. Its kind of like the Word of Wisdom: no beer, no coffee, no cookie. Its "forbidden" to me, but it really only makes me happier, because even though I get teary-eyed when I see a Dominoes pasta breadbowl commercial, I know what the breadbowl would do to me (and these days--and more importantly--what it would do to Lil'). Its just not worth it, so we'll stay GF (I say 'we' because Lil' is gluten free as long as she is in me. Only time will tell if she has Celiac Disease). So I'll end with a funny story. The very first time I met Chris's extended family in Chicago, they were asking me about Celiac Disease. I said, "I've been off wheat for 7 months now." Chris's then 13-year-old cousin's eyes went wide and she looked shocked. I asked her what was wrong and she said "Did you just say you've been off weed for 7 months now?"
Pretty much, yeah.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
My Mama
Friday, May 8, 2009
Too Blue to Boo
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
26 Years Ago

Not gonna lie; he makes me pretty happy.

Thanks Pat and Lisa, I appreciate it.
I was looking at Chris the other day and it struck me: he's looking older. But he's aging really well, in my opinion. Its been 4 years since we met (almost). I look back at pictures of when we were dating and we look like kids. But looking at him yesterday still makes my heart flutter. And watching our baby grow in my tummy only makes me love him more. Its amazing how it works that way. You fall more in love as time passes and major events happen--not less.
Chris, I was going to do something clever: "26 reasons I love you" or "26 ways you make me happy". But instead this is all I have to say: The last almost-4 years have been wonderful; the best, hardest, easiest, happiest, most eventful and exciting days of my life. But I have a feeling the next 50 will only be better. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I can't wait to see you as a smitten daddy, a rookie professor, a little league coach, a dad to a teenage girl(s), and a retiree. I can't wait to see your newly forming wrinkles get deeper and your hair turn gray. That's the best part about it: I'll feel the same way then as I did on June 24, 2006, and as I do today. And when we're done here, we'll get to keep going. We'll look like kids again, and feel like kids again. We'll get to be together. That's what matters. I'm so glad you showed up on Earth, so I could find you (or maybe you found me?). I love you very much.
Happy Birthday.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Getting to Know Me: Daily Routine
I never wake up on time. Ever. Mornings are spent in a flurry and I sprint out the door. I should be in the car by 7:35 at the latest, but I'm cursed to never reach the car before 7:41. Its insane. 7:41 every day without fail.
So there's your first peek at me. Next up: Celiac Disease.