Warning: Lots of pregnancy mumbo-jumbo. You're welcome to ignore this post if you'd like.
Doesn't it feel like yesterday I was giving the 1st Trimester Wrap-Up? No. No, it doesn't. It feels like 10 years ago. But whatever . . .~
The nausea has not gone away. Granted, I only threw up twice this time around, which is an improvement, but I have yet to have a day without nausea. I'll take it, for sure. I'd be nauseous every day forever if it meant having Lil and any others that follow, but I was kind of hoping it would go away. Maybe my 3rd trimester will be better? I've made peace with the fact that it might not. I no longer wait for it to go away. Instead I've tried to find things that help. I now use watermelon children's toothpaste, because any other kind makes my sickness worse (this toothpaste is de-lish; seriously, I don't know how there isn't any sugar in it). I also chew on fruity gum as much as possible. But the thing that really helps? Food--in my mouth--at all times. Which leads us to a whole different set of problems.
My weight gain has been pretty slow and steady--until this month. I had quite the little spike, enough for my doctor to say "Maybe we could not make this a habit?". Oops, my bad. It may have had something to do with my various love affairs with ice cream sundaes, sour cream and onion potato chips, and chocolate milk. I'm now working on healthier eating.
Everything is measuring right on schedule--which I suppose is good. I keep hoping he will say "Wow, we were way off on your due date! Its really a month earlier than we thought!" A girl can dream. Lil's heartbeat is so slow now! I mean, its normal, but when she was a tiny clump of cells her heart rate was so fast, is sounded like a train. Now that she's all human-form it sounds almost like a normal heart beat. So strange she's getting that big. I would never believe it if it weren't for . . . .My huge, back-aching, feet-destroying belly

Do you have a name picked out?
The official answer is "No, we're waiting until she comes to pick out a name for her." If its a long enough situation, I'll include that we have a few favorites but are keeping them a secret until we pick one. The honest answer? Pretty much. Over the past few months we (or really I--Chris has like one name the most the whole time) have brought a million names into the mix. Some stick around for a while, some fade pretty fast (Sloane lasted about 45 minutes for me, 45 seconds for Chris), but our favorite has been our favorite since the beginning. It is the favorite spoken of in my 1st Trimester Wrap-Up. And as she gets closer to coming, it feels more and more like that's her name. But, for the record, she won't have a name until she's born--no matter how often we call her by that name now. It will be interesting to see if she comes out and we say "Oh! There is our little Betsy!" or "Wow, she really isn't a Betsy after all." (You can rest assured the name is not Betsy).
Speaking of naming Lil', want to hear a funny story? Elder D. Todd Christofferson of The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was at my graduation. Now, I blame my impressive faith in the men called of God, but sometimes I think weird things in the presence of an apostle. In this case, I knew I would get to shake his hand when I walked across the stage. In the midst of my naming angst, I thought Maybe he'll say "Congratulations. Your baby's name should be Ella" (Ella is not on our list either). Hey, the day of miracles has not ceased, so who knows, right? However, I walked across the stage, he shook my hand and looked me in the eyes and said "Congratulations." And that was it. Guess the Lord is leaving the naming of our child up to us. Chris was quite the devil's advocate when he said "But what if he had told you we were supposed to name the baby Dorothy?" Hmmmm . . . .
Do you have a name picked out?
The official answer is "No, we're waiting until she comes to pick out a name for her." If its a long enough situation, I'll include that we have a few favorites but are keeping them a secret until we pick one. The honest answer? Pretty much. Over the past few months we (or really I--Chris has like one name the most the whole time) have brought a million names into the mix. Some stick around for a while, some fade pretty fast (Sloane lasted about 45 minutes for me, 45 seconds for Chris), but our favorite has been our favorite since the beginning. It is the favorite spoken of in my 1st Trimester Wrap-Up. And as she gets closer to coming, it feels more and more like that's her name. But, for the record, she won't have a name until she's born--no matter how often we call her by that name now. It will be interesting to see if she comes out and we say "Oh! There is our little Betsy!" or "Wow, she really isn't a Betsy after all." (You can rest assured the name is not Betsy).
Speaking of naming Lil', want to hear a funny story? Elder D. Todd Christofferson of The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was at my graduation. Now, I blame my impressive faith in the men called of God, but sometimes I think weird things in the presence of an apostle. In this case, I knew I would get to shake his hand when I walked across the stage. In the midst of my naming angst, I thought Maybe he'll say "Congratulations. Your baby's name should be Ella" (Ella is not on our list either). Hey, the day of miracles has not ceased, so who knows, right? However, I walked across the stage, he shook my hand and looked me in the eyes and said "Congratulations." And that was it. Guess the Lord is leaving the naming of our child up to us. Chris was quite the devil's advocate when he said "But what if he had told you we were supposed to name the baby Dorothy?" Hmmmm . . . .
Are you going to get an epidural?
Yes. Everyone has different opinions, and that is great, but I'm all about the epidural. Here's one thing though, and I want stories/opinions. It seems like every story I hear about being induced ends with a super-long labor and then a C-section. Its like inductions really just end in a mess. Because of this, I've started to feel like I'd rather be a week late than be induced if it was just a matter of convenience and not Lil's health. Does anyone have input on that one?
Are you going to get an epidural?
Yes. Everyone has different opinions, and that is great, but I'm all about the epidural. Here's one thing though, and I want stories/opinions. It seems like every story I hear about being induced ends with a super-long labor and then a C-section. Its like inductions really just end in a mess. Because of this, I've started to feel like I'd rather be a week late than be induced if it was just a matter of convenience and not Lil's health. Does anyone have input on that one?
Are you scared?
I get this a lot and am never sure how to answer. Of the birth? Not really. I figure she will come out one way or another. I don't pretend like I know what to expect. I'm realistic enough to know its a pain you cannot prepare for, but a pain that will be well worth it. Of having a kid? Not really. I don't think you can prepare for that either. I mean, you do your best to prepare physically, emotionally, spiritually, but I think the change is too great and too unreal. I think you learn as you go. Am a ready to be a mom? I don't know. Is anyone every really ready?
What I am afraid of? Something happening to Lil'. I worry about her too much. She takes a 10 minute break from wiggling and I'm take breaths to stay calm. Its totally psycho. I'm also afraid of Lil' growing up. I look at 12 month clothes and I can't believe she'll ever be that big. I want her to stay my little baby forever. Is that too much to ask?
Are you scared?
I get this a lot and am never sure how to answer. Of the birth? Not really. I figure she will come out one way or another. I don't pretend like I know what to expect. I'm realistic enough to know its a pain you cannot prepare for, but a pain that will be well worth it. Of having a kid? Not really. I don't think you can prepare for that either. I mean, you do your best to prepare physically, emotionally, spiritually, but I think the change is too great and too unreal. I think you learn as you go. Am a ready to be a mom? I don't know. Is anyone every really ready?
What I am afraid of? Something happening to Lil'. I worry about her too much. She takes a 10 minute break from wiggling and I'm take breaths to stay calm. Its totally psycho. I'm also afraid of Lil' growing up. I look at 12 month clothes and I can't believe she'll ever be that big. I want her to stay my little baby forever. Is that too much to ask?
Anyway . . . that's how its going. The second trimester crawled and flew by simultaneously. Funny how time does that. Its so crazy--I'll have a picture of a pretty baby girl in my next "trimester wrap-up".
I love reading your pregnancy posts. It reminds me of how much I loved being pregnant. But, having them here is so much better. I am so pro-epidural. I started off naturally, but the doctor knew it would be a long hard labor and I ended up getting the epi. I loved it! It made the whole experience wonderful. I was able to relax and enjoy my 25 hours of labor. I wouldn't have done it any other way. As for being induced, I was and loved that too. I have heard horror stories though...so its hard to say. Its all dependent on your body. You are going to be a great mom! Enjoy the last trimester, it will go so fast. And before you know it...your lils mommy!
I was induced with both of my kids around their due dates. Sooo glad I was. From the start of pitocin to the baby here on my first labor was about 10.5 hours and my second was about 5. Both of my babies were big 8 lbs and then 9.5. We don't know where that came from, crazy! But I am glad I didn't wait any longer, because then they would have been even bigger! I would have liked to go on my own, with out being induced, ideally, but I am glad I didn't wait and glad my body could safely get the babies out without a c-section. Yes, on the epidural. I'm all for that! Though I did hate how long it took my legs to become un-numb afterward. Crazy stuff. You'll do great! You'll do great. Good luck!
I'm pro-whatever you want to do to get my niece here. I do hope to get a little 'in' on the names when you come up here, tho....I'll bribe you.
This is all just too much fun. I am so excited for you guys! I have heard horror stories about being induced, just the same as everyone, but then I have also heard people who said it was a breeze. Who knows. Maybe the horror story people would have had trouble anyways? Dunno. I have no experience in the matter (obviously), so this comment is really a little bit pointless. :) But I had to say SOMETHING, right??
I, too, LOVE reading your pregnancy posts. It takes me back to almost 4 months ago .. I can't believe how fast time goes. So I don't have too much input . . BUT I have experienced one of those horror induction stories and here's my input. Try to go naturally (not pain wise) but the more ready your body is, the easier it will be. Of course, if you're way overdue and miserable, go for the induction. But if you're okay and comfortable WAIT!! I wasn't miserable at all . . but was induced because my doctor was going to be out of town the week of my due date. case and point - I will definitely opt for the c-section next time! hahaha you're going to be such an awesome mom! i can't wait to see pictures of lil!
hey Erin, this is Kristin Hanson, the other celiac from the 85th ward back in provo. Just doing a little blog surfing and found you guys.
Congrats on the pregnancy! I had the same nausea problems and I finally beat it during the thrid trimester by cutting out milk. It was difficult to say the least, esp with the whole no gluten thing, but worth not throwing up 3+ times a day.
Inductions aren't too bad - if you remember Stefanie Esplin, both her girls were inductions and both were natural births. She has nothing but good to say about them. Anyways, that's my two cents :)
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