Friday, May 1, 2009

Getting to Know Me: Daily Routine

I know you all, but many I haven't really interacted with in quite a while, especially since moving to Tennessee. Therefore, I thought I'd start a little series of "Getting to Know Me", a very exciting, in-depth look at what makes me me. Its Friday, and I rarely blog on the weekends, so maybe its a bad day to start a "series" but here it goes. Today's is a look inside my daily routine.

I never wake up on time. Ever. Mornings are spent in a flurry and I sprint out the door. I should be in the car by 7:35 at the latest, but I'm cursed to never reach the car before 7:41. Its insane. 7:41 every day without fail.
Want to know the truth about my job? I'm on the phone--all day, every day. It is brain-numbing most of the time, and I'm amazed at my co-workers who've been doing this job for many years. I'm praying I'll last until August. Luckily the people in my office are great. Most people I talk to on the phone are nice, but some are mean. Many are stupid. You think people would know better, but they don't, and some days I wonder at the intelligence of the general population. But then I remember I'm in Tennessee, and Tennessee doesn't even require drivers' ed to get a license.
I check Facebook several times a day, and nothing ever happens.
Since the weather has been beautiful, during my lunch break I take a blanket to the park next to my building, eat my lunch, read, take a nap, and talk to Chris. Its a glorious escape from the office.
I'm re-reading Angels and Demons right now. I read it in high school and loved it. With the movie coming up, I figured I should freshen up on the story. Its been great because I can't remember whats going to happen, but I remember its good, so the suspense is even better.
I text baby names to Chris several times a day. He usually gives no reply. We have our top 3, and those are unlikely to change, but I'm still looking in case something pops out. The ones he really doesn't like, he replies "Whats a ____?" For example, when I thought we were having a boy, I texted him "Gage Christopher". He texted back, "Whats a Gage?"
We get home around 5:25, check the mail, and I collapse on the couch while Chris names off possible meals in order to find one that might sound appealing to me. Then he makes me dinner.
I wish I was in the habit of exercising. Every day I wish I would have. But at the end of the day, I'm so tired. Then I get nauseous. I'm hoping this summer I will be better at it, especially since I'd like to start swimming in UT's awesome outdoor pool as that will be gentler on my newly formed girth.
I try to go to bed at 9, but never make it until 10. It takes me forever to get ready for bed: bathroom, wash the face, bathroom, apply lotions (one for face, one for belly, one for legs), tooth care, scriptures (hopefully!), prayer, bathroom again. Its quite the process. Most nights I lay on the couch like a slug, hoping the process will do itself.
Chris rarely comes to bed at the same time as me. He usually has "homework", meaning a good game is on or he's going to read my copy of Angels and Demons until all hours of the night.

So there's your first peek at me. Next up: Celiac Disease.


beckster said...

Now I'm curious about your top three names... And by the way, I like the name Gage.

Cami and Juan said...

I try to go to bed by 9, but end up going at about 11! So don't feel bad. You have a good husband there, making dinner for you.