speaking of delicious, Carly liked this apple more than a friend. i can tell she is getting frustrated with baby food because it smells eerily similar to baby poo. she looks at our food like "hey, that actually smells good!" shortly after we let her suck on this apple, i fed her pureed green beans. she was definitely not pleased with the switch.
Friday, March 26, 2010
au revoir.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
up in the air.
Its been a bit of a hectic week or so in the C house. After being told by many a Michigan folk that a program graduate was getting a job (good sign) and selling her little house, we decided to contact her. After several long emails back and forth, lots of pictures (such a cute house; all redone inside.) we started contemplating actually buying this house and actually trying to be in contract by April 30 to qualify for the first time homebuyers tax credit. Oh, so naive were we. We had calculated how much we pay in rent as being how much we could pay in a mortgage payment, which makes sense for us but apparently not for a mortgage lender. Lenders assume you have credit card debt and student loans and car payments, etc, so they only allow your payment to be a certain percentage of your income. And if you don't have ANY debt or ANY payments to make because all your furniture is hand-me-down and you live on a tight budget? Too bad, the rules still apply. And since our income is, ummm, low, we would only qualify for a too small loan to buy a house that is actually worth the trouble of buying. So at this point our living situation is up in the air. Too up in the air for my taste. The door is still open to buy, but at this point it is likely just not worth it. Was I crushed? Only very, and only for like a few days. I'm starting to remind myself of the perks of renting and we have found some cute townhouse-type things to look into instead of hard-core apartment living. I'm praying we are done with that. My dad reminded me that with me being a stay-at-home mom and Chris a full-time student, its pretty amazing we were able to even consider buying a home. So true. Here's to buying a house! . . . . in four years.
what might have been.
our living room. 3:00 this afternoon. the hangers prove i actually tried to put the laundry away.
poor child wouldn't go down for her morning nap. so she was REALLY ready for her afternoon one. i ran to the restroom and came back to find she had tapped out.hey look I made Carly a blanket. the stitches are a mess and are everywhere. turns out sewing in a straight line is not as easy as assumed. she will have 10 of these blankets before i figure it out. thats ok, though, because they are my favorite blankets ever.
On St Patrick's Day morn I got a call from my dad asking if Carly and I would like to come out very soon, as Chris is in a rather intense segment of his thesis. Sounded like a good plan to me, so we are headed West this Saturday. I really am so excited. I feel like I could use a little "getting away from it all". And Carly has grown up so much since Christmas and I'm excited my family gets to see her an extra time before May (when we are going to see my brother off to his mission). And I love going home. Carly has become a bit of a golden ticket in that regard. But I will miss my main man dearly. I'm not sure what he is going to do with himself, as he won't have to make me dinner, clean up all my dirty dishes, and stay up all night listening to me freak out about being homeless in Michigan. But when we get back his thesis will be *done* (except revisions), and he will defend a few days later. Big days in the C House. I was 15 when I first stepped foot on an airplane, and 19 for my second flight. Carly will be heading up in the air for her second time at just 7 1/2 months, and for her third at 9 1/2 months. She is quite the golden ticket.
the golden ticket in her new umbrella stroller. i figured we ought to get one for our frequent flying.
Friday, March 19, 2010
I work in the Young Women organization at Church. I look at what these girls deal with every day, at school, with friends, with boys. I look at how much more they have to stand up against than even I did, and I wasn’t in high school all that long ago. There is some seriously scary stuff in the world today, and it will change so much in the next 15 years. What kind of world will teenage Carly call home? What kinds of things will be on TV, what gadgets will be popular, what fashions acceptable? How do I make Carly strong enough to not just survive it all, but to thrive despite it all? How do I make her see the bigger picture, to understand the importance of modesty, prayers, virtue, temples, scriptures, kindness, service, and all of the things that lead to happiness? Its so hard to see that when you’re 16.
A few weeks ago I was putting my make-up on and Carly was sitting in her bumbo watching me. She stared at my blush brush, so I ran the empty brush across her cheeks and said, “There, now Carly is pretty!” As soon as I said it, my heart sank. Carly is the most beautiful thing on this planet. And no blush, or lack thereof, can make her more or less beautiful. I vowed to never say something like that to her again, and to never talk about myself that way in front of her either. I don’t want her thinking make-up and clothes are what makes her beautiful. We can tell already she is a fun girl with loads or personality to go around. Its my job to make sure she knows that, too. Its my job to be an example to her, in word and deed. I’m beginning to realize that motherhood is even scarier than anticipated.
I consider my mother one of my best friends. She is my example, the kind of woman, wife, and mother I want to be. Home was always a safe place, and my mother was always there with open ears and a bowl of dark chocolate covered almonds. Because of that, I always knew where to go when I needed help or a pick-me-up. I pray that Chris and I can create that kind of home for Carly and crew. I pray she will love me as much as I love my mom, and as much as I love her. And I pray she will come to me, she will open up, she will learn from the few tiny pieces of wisdom I have to offer. And I pray she will know who she is and love who she is and be grateful for who she is. Because she is awesome.
And to think, I thought having a girl was all bows and dresses.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
the ides of march.
Want me to sew you something?
Because I totally will.
Thanks, mom and dad.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
her hair is bronze.
The thrice-daily meal battle.
Can you tell she is our pride and joy?
Because she is.
Friday, March 12, 2010
keeping calm and carrying on.
Then I read the history behind it and I love it even more.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
seven months old.

*are sleeping 10-12 hours a night. I'm enjoying it, though I don't expect it to last. Something will come up, I'm sure.
*have 2 teeth. The second came in the day after the first. You now have your two bottom front teeth. With the teeth has come the return of the out-of-control drool.
*are officially weaned . . . as of today. We made a remarkable recovery following your strike, but then the teeth showed up and the biting commenced. Now we are done.
*get three meals a day of solids. You have for more than a month now and we still struggle at every meal. You just couldn't care less about the food and turn your head away and purse your lips together. I'm at a loss, but we will keep going because we don't really have another choice.
*have been getting on your hands and knees and thinking about what the next step is. You have also started pulling yourself up on our legs and even on the coffee table. We are bracing for full mobility.
*are making more and more sounds. They are getting louder and there are a greater variety. Sometimes you make a sound and your daddy and I look at each other and say "What was that?!".
*like reading books and singing songs, though you like turning pages more than listening to the story.
*study toys rather than play with them. You study the little balls in your rattles and stare at the springy part of your doorway jumper. Its funny how often we find you carefully studying a toy and trying to figure it out rather than "playing" with it. You are obviously brilliant.
*have a big snuggly pet: daddy. We joke that you think of mommy as the parent and daddy as the pet because he plays with you and you grab his face and pet his beard and climb on him.
*make me smile when I'm down, make sense in a chaotic world, and complete our lives and our family (for now). We love you more than words.
Happy seven months, Car. We're glad you joined us.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
a cool new concept.

Sunday, March 7, 2010
s is for state.

Yes, we're moving to Michigan this summer.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
i love saturdays.
i love new shirts courtesy of tjmaxx.
i love watching movies after the babe goes to sleep.
i love having chris home.
i love my little family.
i love saturdays.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
big news.

I think it was today, anyway. I honestly don't know. But Chris got home this evening and was holding her and I looked at her and all the sudden she had a tooth. I had been looking at her all day long and didn't ever notice. Do they just pop up like that? Weird. Anyway, I suppose we are lucky because she hasn't been cranky or anything. Hopefully that luck keeps up.
I have mixed feelings about the tooth.
a) I still nurse. Is this going to be an issue?
b) I can't believe she is old enough to have a tooth.
But I was so proud of her when I saw it. (Is that weird?)
So obviously, it was a big day in the C house.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
an inside day.
So we had a change of plans.
And best of all . . . Daddy came home early today. Carly was a big fan.
It was a good day.