Saturday, March 13, 2010

her hair is bronze.

We often get asked what color Carly's hair is.
And by "asked" I mean the people are right there looking at her.
"Is she a redhead?" they ask.
Its hard to tell.
Her hair is a perfect combination of red, blond, and brown.
I like to call it bronze.
Carly is strong.
She is pulling herself up on things.
Its getting hard to hold her down to change her or get her dressed.
You can feel her ripped little muscles in her arms and legs.
Chris calls her the warrior princess.
Here are a million bajillion pictures of our bronze-haired warrior princess.
The thrice-daily meal battle.
(yes, she is wearing my t-shirt. i got sick of washing her clothes out
and changing her outfit 3 times a day.

"Nap time is over, mom!"

So this week before the rains began, Carly and I went to the park. I took our jogger instead of our regular stroller. I put Carly in the front like a big girl (for the first time). I was feeling pretty good so I thought, "why not jog?" So I started jogging.

Carly did not like that one bit. I jogged, she screamed. I stopped, she was fine. I jogged, she screamed. The speed terrified her. And by the time we got across the park, she had had enough.

She required me to carry her. No more stroller; it was too scary. Remember how I said we were on the far side of the park from the parking lot? So I carried and rocked Carly with two arms, and pushed the stroller with the third arm [?]. Somehow we made it back, though I looked crazy carrying my whining baby and pushing an empty stroller.

And of course she fell asleep 25 yards away from the car. She traveled the final stretch in peace. Good times.

We call her The Carly Bat.

We call her the Carmaid.
I put her pants on while Chris held her up, and about 15 minutes later noticed she was moving strangely. Ooops.

"Ok, I'm on my hands and knees! Now what?"

"I'm gonna crawl . . . I'm gonna crawl . . ."

"Maybe I'll stop to suck my thumb . . ."

"Yeah, I'll just hang out and suck my thumb."
The Climber.
She loves to climb on mommy and daddy.
[excuse my work-out clothes].
But she recently discovered the coffee table.
And I recently discovered the fear of her bashing her head on the coffee table.
warrior princess.

Can you tell she is our pride and joy?

Because she is.


Lanenga Family said...

I can't believe she's ready to crawl! How exciting!...and terrifying! :) she's super cute!

Taryn said...

Wow, she is really so cute! It makes me excited for Stella to do more of those things. And thanks for your airplane advice. Stella is a pooper so I will be sure to bring lots of clothes for our plane ride!

The Apron Gal said...

I'm pretty sure that Carly is going to look like Castle's daughter in the show Castle. this is her:


sam and kyrsten said...

love that she sucks her thumb! its pretty cute! just like her! :)