Wednesday, July 21, 2010

hard at work.

[Carly hard at work on her memoirs.]
I don't understand how we have so much stuff.
We've been packing, packing, packing.
We have a ginormous pile of boxes filling our living room.
And yet I look around and there is so much more stuff to go.
We haven't even started on Carly's room.
Anybody want some stuff?
We have plenty. 
Chris went off lactose.
After a fair amount of deduction, he thought it might help.
We think it might be helping, as he has been feeling better.
No wheat, no dairy.
We are quite the pair.
Carly is smart.
She must watch us on the computer, because when we let her play on our very old one, she started typing with perfect form (as seen above).
And she likes Rihanna.
Like I said, she's smart.
I'm a little addicted to pepperjack cheese and avocados.
As you can see, we are very busy these days.

1 comment:

Becky said...

She's gonna be a writer someday! NY Times bestseller, right there!