First, the Cubbies are back! They were on ESPN2 today, which was great because we usually don't get to see them out in Utah. Last summer we were in Indiana so we got EVERY game, it was amazing. They lost today, which is sad, but only after Fukudome hit a 3 run homerun in the bottom of the ninth to tie it up and send the game to extra innings. Gotta love baseball.
Scaring Chris. This sounds insane, but Chris and I like to jump out of random places and scream to scare each other. For some reason its so funny when I do it to him, but less funny when he does it to me. Either way, it makes me laugh really hard. I must still be 10 years old.
The end of the semester is so close! Oh, I cannot wait. I'm going to Spring term and taking 9 credits, which is a little crazy, but Spring term is so much better than Fall/Winter. I love how Campus and Provo empty out as student leave for the summer. Its warm and sunny and EMPTY and relaxed. And this semester has been so busy, I'm ready to be done and never look back, ha ha. Its weird though, because if we go to Tennessee this will be my last full semester at BYU (after this Spring, I'd just finish my last two minor classes Independent Study).
Laughing with Chris. Luckily, Chris has the capability to make me laugh regardless of the mood I'm in. He has a genuine sense of humor; it is so different than mine, which is more sarcasitic and ironic. Its refreshing.
Accidental naps. Sometimes I think I'm going to lie down for a minute and end up sleeping for 2 hours. While this always makes me 'mad' because I just lost precious homework time, I really love it because I catch up on the sleep I've been missing so desperately.

Little puppy. This is ridiculous, but Chris got me this stuffed animal puppy for Valentine's Day and I think she is so cute. "Little Puppy" was the best name I could come up with, but for some reason I have a tendency to become attached to stuffed animals. So does my little brother--my mom worries she didn't get us enough stuffed animals as kids so now its backfiring.
Laughing out loud to jokes in political science that no one else seems to catch. My poli sci professor has my kind of sense of humor: dry wit. Sometimes he makes jokes about political things, really subtle dry jokes that sometimes sound serious. And I laugh, loudly. And often I'm the only one who does. The other day I laughed out loud at a joke he make about introducing Adam Smith to the Soviet Union. I was the only one.