Sunday, March 16, 2008

Stressful Times~Lucky Me!

This past week and this coming week are insanely busy for us. Chris and I both had 2 midterms last week. He also had a whole bunch of really difficult Organizational Behavior quizzes due, a new missionary district, new work schedule, and stressed out wife to deal with. I had the two midterms and 2 papers due. And a possible aortic aneurysm didn't help me focus. However, the real bane of my existence lately has been a 15-pg research paper that is due this coming Friday. I cannot wait for it to be OVER so I don't have to deal with it anymore. It is a group paper, so as you college students know, group projects can be a pain. But it is finally coming together and I think we may actually have something to turn in on Friday!

All this stress has me really wishing BYU gave us a Spring Break. I feel so overwhelmed; things are so busy its hard to relax for a minute. Things are so crazy its hard to enjoy life in general. I have to remember how lucky I am and remember to TALK to my husband (I have a tendency to go into "the zone" when I'm stressed). So in honor of St. Patrick's Day, and with the intention of remembering how lucky I am to have what I do, here are a few things I am grateful for and/or lucky to have:

1. Chris: yeah, yeah, I have to say that. But really, I am extraordinarily lucky to have a husband as supportive and loving as Chris. Amidst all the craziness, I haven't done the dishes in, well, probably three weeks. Things in our house were getting a little unhealthy. Last night while I worked on my research paper Chris did ALL of the dishes; it took him THREE HOURS--not even kidding. Not only that, but he heals my emotional break downs and makes me laugh when I want to cry. I honestly don't know how I would have gotten through college it I hadn't found him during my first year here! Chris really does make me the luckiest girl in the world.

2. BYU: as much as I HATE to admit it, I know I am so lucky to be at BYU. A lot of people would love to have the opportunity I have. It is a great university that provides a great education accompanied by great people. School may be stressful, but it is a real blessing in my life. And if it weren't for assignments and grades I would LOVE it; lectures and learning are something I really enjoy.

3. My jobs: I have two jobs, each working for a professor at BYU. They are both really good jobs that I enjoy for different reasons. The job with the Biology Professor is fun. It can be a tad repetitive at times but Dr Cates is one of the nicest people on the earth. He is really funny and over the last year I have come to understand what the heck he is talking about and what he needs. I'm a little worried about what he'll do with himself when I graduate! My job with the Sociology professor is all computer (so far, its going to change as soon as I get this first project done). But it is really great to build a working relationship with a respected professor and to get some experience in my major field. The greatest thing about my jobs, however, is that they are flexible. Both of my bosses understand student needs and always allow me to adjust my schedule, or not come in at all, if I need extra time for an assignment for project. Again, I don't know how I'd get through college without these two great bosses.

4. Family: I just happen to have the greatest family in the world. And since I got married I was lucky enough to have it double. I am so grateful for all of them: Mom, Dad, Michael, Camie, Jason Brady, Pat, Lisa, Becky, Sarah, Jenny. We are so blessed with a family who loves us and supports us the way our family does. And what is also great is how much FUN we can have when we get together, no matter what we do.
5. My mommy: More specific than family, I am very lucky to have the mother I do. My mom is the best friend a girl/woman could ask for. We can always laugh and talk no matter what (almost, some times fatigue sets in;-) Its hard to really explain, but I'm just lucky to have my mom and I am eternally grateful for her. Love you mom!

6. The Gospel: its the only way to find true happiness, no matter what the world tells us; thats all there is to it.

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!


Anonymous said...

SO...i got your message! You have to go on a cruise! It is THE BEST! Seriously! Oh...I just love cruises! Can you tell? \"/

Jessica said...

Hey I found your blog through the schwitters. Sorry about the stressful week, hopefully st. Patty's brought you some luck. OK, so I was looking at you friends blogs and you have the call's down, they are in our ward; small world huh? Think you guys are fab!