Monday, November 24, 2008

I Am Grateful

I am grateful for eternal families.

I am grateful for brothers . . .
like him
and him
and him.
I am grateful for family the used to be 'his' family, but is now 'our' family.

I am grateful for family that used to be "new" family, but is now just family.
I am grateful for Sam, because she is family.
I am grateful for parents who lead, guide, and walk beside--even now.

And I'm grateful for him.
And this.
And here.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Michael said...

Before I had a chance to scroll down, I thought you were just grateful for me. All those other people are good too. =) Love you sister! Happy Thanksgiving time!

Cam said...

Thanks for sharing my "bird on the head" picture with the blogosphere. Yay for Lorikeets! =)

beckster said...

Sarah will not be happy with your picture choice for her, but I am grateful for you, too!