Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
I grew up in Idaho. My experiences there shaped who I have become. So many meaningful events happened there. And, more than anything else, my parents are there. They're the keepers of my heart in Idaho. It was so nice to go back. I had a few days to hang out at home, occupy the purple couches, shop with my mommy, eat riblets with my dad, and watch my suddenly grown-up, college-bound, mission-planning, 18-year-old baby brother play baseball. It was a splendid few days.
The partay begins.
A sampling of foods.
Me and high school friend, Renee, who is having #2, a little girl, about 4 weeks after me.
Cousin Maren, cousin Brit, and Brit's super-nice more-than-a-friend, Addie.
Partay hosts, Maren and Jan.
The generosity of all the guests.
It was good times had by all--or at least me. As usual, the days in Idaho flew by and me and my parents grabbed a Honda and headed South to meet up with the rest of the family and for me to be reunited with Chris.
So, I went home to Provo.
Provo holds my heart because its where I first went out on my own. I met Chris. We dated and spent our first 2 years there. We were college students working little jobs and "living on love". We have so many good memories in Provo.
We met up with the rest of the family in Salt Lake City, where we hit up Pier 49 and their gluten-free pizza and visited Temple Square.
Dad, Jason, and Kasee enjoying Pier 49.
At Temple Square.
We moved on to Provo and filled the days with games, picnics, shopping, ice cream, badminton, food, and family.
Enjoying the sunshine at the picnic. I'm not this fat, my cheeks are full of riblets. And Chris's are full of a $5 footlong.
Mom and Dad enjoying a $5 footlong of their own.
Oh, and did I mention that
I graduated from college?
Because I did.
Fortunately, graduation robes are maternity-friendly.
Getting artsy with the camera. Yes, this is artsy.
My ginormous, never-ending graduation.Faithful supporters waiting 2 hours for me to walk across the stage for 10 seconds.
Lil' came too. She found it hilarious to bounce off my bladder during the graduation ceremony.
Our friends Andy and Stephanie came with their month-old baby girl, Reagan.
She was delicious.
She made me so excited for Lil' to arrive.
And really, really nervous.
Chris seemed to do quite well. He'll be a good daddy.
Getting some tips from Andy.
And finally, we headed home to Knoxville.
Saturday I found myself exhausted. I thought, I can't wait to get home. And I realized that by "home" I meant Tennessee. And when our flight landed in Knoxville, I actually felt a significant amount of joy. While in Provo, it was so wonderful to see everyone and everything that has been such a big part of our lives, but I had the strongest impression that wasn't the place for us. When we decided to move to Knoxville, we got an undeniable confirmation of the spirit, and our return to Provo only made the rightness of our decision more pronounced. So, for whatever reason, Knoxville is now home (for the time being). Its where Lil will come into the world and experience her first year, so maybe that more than anything else makes this "where my heart is". So after 2 visits to home, we made it safely back home.
It was so nice being home.
And its good to be home.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Snap Happy
I have a very sweet husband. One Sunday we got home and I took my heels off. My feet were frozen and purple. I sat down at the table and Chris crawled under the table and wrapped his arms around my feet to warm them up. Isn't that so sweet? Then he proceeded to drift off. I warned him to go to the couch before it was too late, but he was already gone. Instead I brought him a blanket and pillow. And captured this classic moment. This is one I'm glad I caught.
Following my finals, I chose my prize to be a fast food hamburger. I chose a triple stack from Wendy's. We got it in a salad plate, minus the bun and add onions, and took it home to the awaiting slices of Gluten-free bread. I had been craving a fast food hamburger for sometime, and it was delicious. I ate it in a matter of minutes, along with a Frosty. An hour later it came back up the way it went down. Lets just say I haven't had that craving since.
Opening day for the Cubbies at Our House. That's all I have to say about that.
Classic take-it-yourself-picture.
Chris plays on a church league softball team. At his last game, he had a very impressive diving catch in the outfield. It earned him the game ball. I was so proud, so I made him pose for this picture. He enjoyed it, I assure you.
Someday I'll get better at taking pictures of moments that matter.
But for now, I'm glad I have these.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Clothe the Whales

I have come across many websites that have totally adorable maternity clothes. But I'm talking $200 pants and $80 tops and $125 dresses. Maybe its just me, but I figure this child will come out at some point, and when she does, she is going to need a few items, you know, like food, diapers, insurance, a home, clothes, medicine, an education. So there are more important places to put those hundreds of dollars than into a wardrobe I can wear for 3 months.
However, I still like to look decent. And that's the tricky part.
So last night I geared up emotionally and physically and headed back to Ross (without Chris) to find a piece or two to add to my shrinking wardrobe. I've been told on occasion that I am "tiny", but I must have been pocket-sized before because I definitely don't feel tiny. And trying on maternity clothes didn't do anything to change that. But: they were so comfortable. Insanely comfortable. Maternity slacks are about a 1/2 step up from sweats, and as a pregnant coworker told me: "After you're done being pregnant, you don't have another excuse to wear an elastic waistband for 40 years." So I tried on a multitude of clothes, but only walked out with 2 tops, each costing $8.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Man in Brown
She's making herself known more and more. People ask me when I'm due now instead of internally wondering how much I ate for lunch. And she's a mover and a shaker. Chris felt her kick through my tummy for the first time this weekend. It was really cool.
She's our little miracle.
A soon-to-be-very-well-dressed little miracle.
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Boys of Summer
Opening Day is nearly a holiday in our house.

I can't wait to go back.
Let the games begin.
Go Cubbies.