Wednesday, January 18, 2012

the party tent.

We are settling in nicely to this new new semester.
Chris's schedule looks to be a bit friendlier than last semester, and his workload so be a tad lighter.
A huge blessing, considering what he'll have going on at home.

Carly and I are working on filling the days with fun while I simultaneously try to check off everything on my mile-long to-do list. We were in potty training lock down for over a week. It was hard, possibly one of the hardest weeks I've had as a mother to date. Thank you for a) ensuring me that Carly's behavior was normal, and b) convincing me not to stop. She is now doing great, and today is day 2 of zero accidents. I put a pull-up on her when we go in public because I physically can't deal with cleaning her up in a situation like that, but so far every time she has kept them dry. And she has gone potty at church and Red Robin. The girl is a champ. We are plugging along, though I see it being several weeks of routinely going before I'll feel like she is officially "potty trained".

During that time I tried to keep things somewhat positive.
One day I suggested we paint our toes.
Carly interpreted that as her painting her own toes.
I figured why not?
She had excellent form, though she needs to work on her aim.

We also played extensively with her new collection of toys from Christmas, painted lots of pictures, and probably watched Mulan 8 times. We introduced it to her recently and she officially loves it.

[two little princesses.]

We kicked off our three-day MLK Day weekend with a trip to Babies R Us. Carly and I desperately needed out of the house. We told Carly we were going to the 'baby store', and when we walked in she asked "Where are all the babies?" Smart girl. My main goal was a diaper bag, and I found one I'd been looking at online that is designed for twins. Its pretty big, not going to lie. I got it and figured I would do a "test pack" to see if I really needed that much space, factoring in two babies and the few toddler things I still carry. I tested it today, and, for sure, I'll need the space. So if you're looking for me in April, I'll be the girl with the toddler carrying a towel, two infant carseats, and a massive diaper bag. (To be fair, it doesn't look that big when it is on me.)

While I was looking inside every diaper bag in the entire store, Chris and Carly headed toward the stuffed animals. Remember when we got Carly Leo the Lion for her first Christmas? Well, it looks like that same company now makes a whole line of toys in Leo form, including a little Leo. Carly brought him to me and said, "Look! Baby Leo!" I think I scared her I squealed so loud. It was pretty much the cutest thing ever, and Chris and I knew he was coming home. They also make a Leo chair, and Leo baby toys. I had no choice, I got Boy B a little Leo baby toy and Miss A a similar elephant. They each need one toy that isn't a hand-me-down from Carly, right? Oh, man, it was too much cuteness. That, and I'm really really emotional and sentimental these days. Let's not talk about how often I cry listening to country music.

[mommy Leo, baby Leo, and red shoes. what else could a girl need?]

Then on Monday, we headed to Ikea for my Christmas present shopping adventure.
All I felt like buying was storage bins and baby/kid stuff. Surprise, surprise, right?
But I did get myself a really cute and really comfy black and white striped blanket.
A person should probably not like a blanket this much.
Especially someone who is still in their twenties.
But it was a lovely purchase.
We also came home with an array of frames and bins and . . . 

heaven help us . . . 

a circus tent.

To say this girl is spoiled is an understatement, but we could not leave without that tent. Not because she was begging for it, but because we both wanted to get it for her so bad. And Ikea doesn't help the cause by selling things so dang cheap. The tent is a huge hit, and Carly started calling it the "party tent". I have no idea where she got that from, but it sure is outrageously cute.

But a word to the wise: before buying a party tent, ask yourself how much time you are willing to spend in said tent, and how many times a day you want to crawl in and out of the tent at 30 weeks pregnant with twins. Just a tip. We spend a LOT of time in the party tent.

One night, Chris was trying to avoid going in the tent because it is rather stuffy, and isn't exactly build for full-grown adults. Carly interpreted his hesitancy as fear. She went to him and wrapped her arms around him and said "Its ok, daddy. There's nothing bad. There are no bats and no ghosts." It was was just about the sweetest thing ever. And, of course, he ended up in the tent, where he remained a prisoner until bath time.

[managing to watch tv without having to leave her tent.]

Last but not least, we've discovered Play Dough. I have mixed feelings about this, but Carly loves it. She is unsure exactly how to proceed with it, though, and it turns into mostly me playing with it under her direction. She does smell it and says, "Mmmm. That smells good. Can I eat it?" I keep a pretty close eye on her to make sure she doesn't sneak any.

So, things are good in the C house.
I've got all sorts of projects going on.
I'm making baby blankets and burp cloths, finishing a bathroom we painted this summer before I got sick, cleaning out and reorganizing closets, and working to get our basement to an organized place where we might actually be able to use it as a playroom/guest area. Maybe. We'll see how it goes.

And I hit 30 weeks. Something about that sent Chris and I into a bit of a tizzy on Sunday. I wrote out a to-do list and a still-need list and we're working on crossing things off. The goal is to be ready by 34 weeks, because we have no idea how things will play out, and I don't want to be working all crazy at the end.

Life is lovely, don't you think?

1 comment:

Lisa C said...

I want to go in the Party Tent!