Thursday, April 19, 2012

john smiles.

Today after a bottle, John was awake and alert and happy.
I like singing Taylor Swift's "Dear John" to him.
No, the lyrics don't really make sense, considering its a break-up song.
But naming him John pretty much left me no choice.
I was singing Dear John and I bopped him on the nose with my finger.
And this is what I got:

Poor kid.
Wearing a girl bib in his first smiling picture.
I'll have to assure him he has very manly green dinosaur pajamas on under it.

But to say this is the cutest thing ever in history would be an understatement.
I keep looking at this picture to remind myself that he is, in fact, adorable.
Because right now it is 1:30 am, 
and he is being grouchy-won't sleep-doctor thinks he might be colicky-John.
Which is significantly less cute.
But that smile.
Boy, he is lucky he has that smile.


Laura said...

How cute is that little guy!!!

Sorry about the colick. That is NOT fun.

The Thompsons said...

I dont know you very well..just from this little old town of POKY! but your family is so adorable, you seem like an amazing mother! PUSHING out twins!! your amazing!