Well, I've been tagged by Michelle (unless she knows more than one Erin)! I've done a similar tag, so to mix it up, I'm including Chris's answers to each one too. His will be in blue. So here it goes:
A- Attached or single: VERY Attached. Ditto
B- Best Friends: Chris; my mom; Barbs, Renee, Katie are all up there as well. My wifey and Sammie the dog; Joey, Matty, Matt Mer, B-Rad, Andy, MTC bros.
C- Cake or Pie: I actually can't eat either!--We'll go for Coldstone Ice Cream. Pie--Banana Cream
D- Day of choice: Saturday--it was Sunday until about 3 weeks ago;-). Friday.
E- Essential item: My cell phone; I'm not a constant texting-talking-phone-girl, but I like to be able to text my husband or mom in the middle of the day. Cubs hat
F- Favorite color: lavender; also like red, which you'd know if you've ever seen my couches and kitchen! Blue.
G- Gummy bears or worms: Worms; bears are harder to chew. Bears
H- Hometown: Pocatello, ID. Lafayette, IN
I- Indulgences: Snickers bars, Costa Vida, BYU Creamery Cookies N' Cream Milk, Celebrity gossip magazines, long naps. Cheeseburgers, Papa Johns Pizza, Pringles
J- January or July: Can I take May? No comment.
K- Kids: Not yet; one of these days . . . Love them.
L- Life is not complete without: Chris, The Gospel, family, chocolate, and bunnies. My beautiful redhead; a good dog at your side.
M- Marriage Date: June 24, 2006. June 24, 2006
N- Number of Siblings: 3 brothers + 4 sisters-in-law (1 being a wife of a brother, the other 3 being Chris's sisters). 3+2
O-Oranges or apples: Love apples, hate apple juice; Love orange juice, hate oranges. Apples--with peanut butter.
P- Phobias or fears: Fire. When I was a little girl I'd get up in the middle of the night and go around checking the green lights on the smoke detectors to make sure they were working (did you know that, mom?). Spiders--my wife kills the spiders in our home.
Q- Quotes: “Where does the family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - no superior alternative has yet been found.” --Sir Winston Churchill
"Hey is this heaven?"
"No. Its Iowa." -Field of Dreams
"Just do your best . . . just make sure its your very best" -Pres Hinckley
R- Reason to smile: The semester is almost over--its supposed to reach 70 degrees this weekend--Chris--ER returns tonight. Baseball season started again.
S- Season: Spring and early summer--its warm, but not hot. Fall.
T- Tag four friends: Becky, Lauren (both of them!), and Rashelle. She can do that.
U- Unknown fact about me: I have the ability to insta-sleep! Chris is always amazed by how quickly I can fall into DEEP sleep. Chris won't say this but he is an amazing cook! He cooks probably 90% of our meals, and they are delicious!
V- Very favorite store: Tie bewteen Roberts Craft and Papaya. Hat World--I don't know.
W- Worst habit: I bite my nails really bad--thats why I try to keep them painted; I also pick scabs (I know, gross) and Chris gets mad when I complain about it hurting after I pick it off! Yelling at drivers when they don't use a turn signal.
X- X-ray or Ultrasound: Ultrasounds have a happier connotation;-) Ultrasound
Y- Your favorite food: Corn chowder a la Chris; Sweet Pork Enchiladas a la Costa Vida. Wienerschnitzel and German potato salad.
Z- Zodiac: Libra (I think). Taurus the Bull.