Saturday, May 31, 2008
Jornling Dayes

Sunday, May 25, 2008
I Love to See the Temple
We went with a bunch of our closest friends. It was so great to go with them.
Last night I was thinking about it, and talking to our friend Matt (Chris had fallen asleep with his head on my lap shortly before;-). I've never gone to the temple with friends before, and have only gone with family once. I was trying to explain how it felt to be in the temple with people you love, but at that hour I could only describe it as "weird". This morning, however, I realized what I was trying to explain. Going to the temple with our friends yesterday, and with family at other times, is such a wonderful experience, and this morning I realized it was because that is how I believe heaven will be: your friends and family you love all around you, peace, purity, cleanliness, being taught the truth. That's why going to the temple is such a unique experience to me; its like a glimpse of heaven.
After the temple, we went to Pier 49 and got some pizza. The Pier 49 in Salt Lake makes gluten-free pizza that is so amazing. A slice of heaven!
Brad, Matt, and Chris
The Newlyweds: Andy and Stephanie
Me and Chris! He looks so happy!
My amazing GF pizza: I got half veggie, half BBQ chicken. Mmmmm. . . .
ON A LIGHTER note. If you are going to spend $8.50 on a movie this summer, see Ironman, not Indiana Jones. The original Indy movies are so amazing, this one isn't even close to measuring up. Oh, how I miss young Indiana. Whoever decided mixing aliens and Indiana Jones was a good idea is a crazy person. And I never wanted to see Indy so old.
Friday, May 23, 2008
50 Fun Facts
1. When I was little I used to cry during the Barney song "I love my sister" because I didn't have a sister.
2. The first time I met Chris I thought he was a little on the dumb side.
3. I've realized in the last year while working with professors that I could never get an advanced degree in Sociology--something else, yeah, but not sociology.
4. Before I got married my initials were ET and people would always say "hey, did you realize your initials are ET, like the alien?"
5. I love tennis and played in high school, but I always wish that I could have been better at it then I was.
6. The first thing that attracted me to Chris was how tan he was (he worked at a water park that summer).
7. The second thing that attracted me to Chris was the amazing nachos he made me.
8. The third thing that attracted me to Chris was how good he was.
9. When I was little, I was a huge fan of the British royal family. I read books and magazines about them and everything. I think it was because I had a crush on Prince William. I had a poster of him on my wall.
10. I still Google them once in a while to see 'what they're up to'. That's humiliating.
11. I also had a crush on Elvis when I was little. I had strange taste.
12. I got married when I was 19.
13. I have Celiac Disease. I really miss brownies, cookies, and the Olive Garden.
14. I am terrified of moving to Tennessee.
15. I can't wait to move to Tennessee.
16. When I am stressed or mad or sad or tired, I get really quiet. It makes it hard for Chris to guess which one I'm feeling.
17. In high school I had two serious boyfriends: one for over a year, the other for over a year and a half. I never want my kids to steady date.
18. The last few weeks I have had incredibly real dreams: one was that Chris and I had a baby boy and he had brownish red hair and we named him one of our favorite names. It was so real, I woke up wondering where the baby sleeps since we don't have a crib!
19. When I was in grade school I refused to where girl clothes. There are many first day of school pictures where I'm dressed exactly like my brothers.
20. I rolled my car off the freeway going 86 miles per hour on my way to college in Provo. I fell asleep.
21. My brother was in the car with me. He'd never really worn his seat belt before, but that day he said he just "felt like I should."
22. My parents were in a car a ways behind us and saw the dust fly up. My dad joked "I sure hope that's not our kids."
23. This summer, 3 years later, I'm just learning how to drive on the freeway again.
24. I've never left the United States. More than anything I want to go to Europe.
25. I want to settle in Canada. Its a long story.
26. When I was little, by dad would take me on 'daddy-daughter dates' on Sundays and we would walk around the Mesa, AZ Temple and play with the Snap-dragon flowers. Those are some of my favorite memories.
27. My grandparents' house in Richland, WA is one of my favorite places in the world. I don't get to go up there enough.
28. I never put the toilet paper roll on the holder. I just set it on the back of the toilet. It drives Chris crazy.
29. I love the Olympics. But I'm opposed to them being held in China. No better way to applaud a polluting, human rights oppressing government than to give them the Summer Olympics.
30. One of my best friends growing up was my cousin, Brit. He gets home from his mission in less than a month!
31. I fall asleep at incredible speeds. And I could sleep in until noon everyday if I was allowed to.
32. I love international soccer (or should I say football?). Chris and I watched tons of the World Cup on our honeymoon--and we were at the beach!
33. I was over 5 feet tall by 5th grade and full grown (5' 6") by 7th grade. The boys didn't catch up until my Sophomore year in high school.
34. Now I hate feeling tall. I wore flats to my wedding to make me feel shorter, and luckily 3 of my bridesmaids, Chris's sisters, are all in the 5'9" range.
35. I'm shy around people I don't know well, but pretty outgoing around people I'm comfortable with.
36. Maybe I'm vain, but I love when people complement me on my hair color. Its all natural, baby!
37. I have to pee twice as frequently as the average person. I'm nervous about what will happen to me when I'm pregnant!
38. I can't wait to be a mom.
39. I love bunnies. I want a bunny farm when I grow up. I'm going to interview families to make sure they are good people and won't turn their bunny into stew.
40. I didn't like dogs my whole life until I met Chris; his dog, Sammie, is awesome.
41. I've never liked a boy who didn't then like me back.
42. The first time I said "I love you" to Chris, I said it in German. Not sure why. I think I was too afraid to say it in English.
43. The one time I got stitches was when my brother chased me around the house and my head slammed into the corner of the wall.
44. I have always trusted my big brothers. One time I asked how many cans of water you need to make juice. My brother told me 12. I got to 6 and the jug started overflowing.
45. One time that same brother told me the button on the stoplight that you push to cross the street worked by "sending out signals that only cars can hear". I believed that until I was 17.
46. One thing I'm proud of myself for is my grades. In 3 1/2 years at BYU, I've gotten 5 B's. The rest have been A's or A-.
47. I love history. I was a history major for a while, but decided I like it more as a hobby!
48. I love "stylish" things. I wish I had more money so I could be more "stylish".
49. I'm secretly competitive. I'm not very outwardly competitive, because I don't want to be mean, but when I'm loosing I get very upset inside and think mean things about people (unless its Chris, friends, or family). This is especially true in intramural soccer.
50. I can't live without Chris. I can't even sleep when he's not next to me. He's my whole life, and I love him more and more every day. I'm glad he sticks around.
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Rising Gas Prices
"On Oct. 22 the price was $ 1.10, up from $ 1.05 on Sept. 24."
Washington Post, 1993
Monday, May 12, 2008
This Week in Pictures
I made the pistachio cake. Sadly, I only had one round pan
and one square pan, so the cake was a little "contemporary".
But Chris said it was delicious!
Oh, the cake was also ugly.
But its not my fault! The frosting was a mixture of pudding
and whip cream~it would not stay put!
Here is Chris blowing out his candles.
On Monday night, Chris went camping with my brother
and some buddies. (Oh, the life of a college graduate.)
So, I had Cinco de Mayo enchiladas for one:
And watched a chick-flick (and wrote a paper).
The remainder of the week was filled with work, school (two papers and a test),
and a co-ed intramural soccer game (which we won!).
Then, this past Friday, we headed to Idaho for Mothers' Day.
Waiting to get into Texas Roadhouse for Lunch.
Unfortunately, it was the same weekend as Idaho State's
graduation, so it was an hour + wait.
My mom got sunburned just waiting to get in!
Enjoying the sunshine on my parents' porch.
Love that house.
I forgot to take a picture, but my parents recently got a
huge flatscreen and huge amazing couch in our basement.
Chris and I are currently considering moving in with them.
Finally, a tribute to my beautiful mother on Mother's Day.
I was lucky enough to be born to the greatest mother on earth.
She's managed to teach me everything I need to know,
guide me, protect me, save me, show me love,
be everything I hope to be;
all while also being my best friend.
If my kids love me a fraction of how much I love my mom,
I'll be a happy woman.
Happy Mothers' Day, mom.
Sorry I didn't get you a CARD!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Good News in a Minute
First and most importantly, CHRIS GOT AN ASSISTANTSHIP AT TENNESSEE!! This is such an amazing blessing. We've been praying for one, and has time has passed, the number available kept shrinking. We found out he was on the alternate list, that someone had turned theirs down, and that assistantship had been given to another alternate. I've been so worried about it for 3 months, but its gotten worse in just the last few weeks. Then this morning he got an email asking if he was still interested in an assistantship. Are we still interested?? Of course!! This means his tuition is completely paid for (I won't say how much out-of-state tuition is, but lets just say its A LOT!) and he gets a stipend that is about how much he would get working a part-time job. And he gets to be involved in his department, which will be good for his education, rather than having to work at Office Depot part time or something. This is the biggest blessing we could ask for right now! My prayers recently shifted from asking politely to begging respectfully, so I'm grateful for a Heavenly Father who watches over His children.
Good news part two: Chris and I have both had minor health problems that we've been worrying about. Last week I found out I'm all good, and this morning Chris's doctor's appointment was clean as a whistle; it only took like 10 minutes, too! So that's another happy answer to our never-ending prayers.
So, basically, I'm having a really good day. I'm now allowing myself to be excited to go to Tennessee. I'm surprisingly very excited about it. If feels right, and I know there are many reasons why we belong there at this stage in our lives.
Anyone else have anything to share for today's "Good News in a Minute"?
~PS. Tales of a very fun weekend are to come~
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Happy Birthday to You!

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Well, this isn't too exciting, but this is our life right now! Just keep on keepin' on, I suppose. Hope everyone is doing well.