This is amazing!

In order for ships to pass, this bridge is half under the water. You drive down in the water and then come out on the other side. Truly a marvelous piece of engineering! It is between Sweden and Denmark.
Isn't that amazing?
How do you even build something like that in the middle of the ocean? I've been trying to figure it out. It blows my mind, the things people come up with.
That's crazy! I've thought about that too, how they build stuff underwater. You'd just think that it would be really hard. I wish I had taken some engineering classes! But that bridge looks awesome.
there go those wacky swedes again.
wow. yup. my mind is blown. hardcore. :)
That is like the EuroStar which is the train that takes you under the English Channel from England to France. You don't even know you are underwater, except that it is very dark.
Go Sweden!
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