Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What is in a Name?

I usually try not to do more than one post a day, but today's post read embarrassingly like a 15-year-old (a 15-year-old saying she sounds like she is 11), and I saw a few stories online that I just couldn't pass up sharing with you.

The local news had an article about a father who secretly named his new baby Sarah McCain Palin, obviously after the Republican presidential ticket. Ok that is weird, but what makes it bad is that he did it behind his wife's back. He put that name on the birth certificate when he was supposed to put "Ava Grace", the name he and his wife originally decided on.

His wife's reaction: "I don't think she believes me yet. It's going to take some more convincing."

Why he did it? "I took one for the cause. I can't give a lot of financial support for the campaign. I do have a sign up in my yard, but I can do very little."

So you name your daughter after a campaign?!? I'm all for naming children to honor special people, but naming your child to contribute to a campaign?? That name is going to be around way past the 2008 election, and its going to get old real fast. At least she can just go by Sarah. Oh yeah . . . if I was his wife I would be SO MAD.

Then this afternoon I saw this article on CNN.com. A 19-year-old girl in North Carolina (the south is full of crazy people, it seems) changed her name from Jennifer Thornburg to Cutout Dissection.com, which is PETA's anti-dissection website. She, of course, did it to support animal rights. Her driver's license now reads "Dissection.com, Cutout". She said she usually has to say her name repeatedly to people she meets, but at least it gives her the opportunity to share what the website is all about.

I don't even know what to say about that one.


Anonymous said...

Ha! That is hilarious. I think maybe I would change my name to a website and/or company name if they paid me A LOT of money.

Karen Thomas said...

i saw where a couple named their baby girl Palin. i actually thought that was kinda cute.

sorry we didn't connect last night. enrichment went way too long. its the only one i go to all year, so i thought i should hang around a bit. he he. love you.

Michael said...

I liked your name stories. In Australia we saw a news story about a couple that was angry because the government wouldn't let them name their son "4 Real." The government took issue with the numeral--I think there is a lot more to take issue with, like emotional abuse.