Thursday, February 10, 2011

a year plus a half.

Dear Carly,

I can't imagine a time when you weren't around. Surely there was a time in my life when it didn't take half an hour to get out the door. There was probably a time when I didn't dread mealtimes, or count down the minutes until naptime. I vaguely remember not having to pick up a million toys before relaxing each night, and I seem to think at one point I never found Trix under the ottoman.

But that means there was also a time when I didn't wake up to your sweet voice saying "hiii" through the monitor. When I wasn't constantly smoothing down your long crazy curls.  A time without tiny Eskimo kisses, Library Thursdays, stuffed animals wrapped in dishtowels, juicy kisses while grocery shopping, snuggling on the couch watching Dora. No chasing and squealing and tickling and laughing.

I'm so happy its not that time anymore.
This world was not as bright without you in it.

Happy year and a half.

Love, Mama


Laura said...

She is so beautiful. Love the pictures! Time flies by. We miss you guys too!

Taryn said...

Such a sweet post! Can't believe how fast they grow up on us :(