Friday, January 22, 2010

Our Fabulous Friday in Photos

Our Friday was simple yet fabulous.
Carly was happy all day.
It doesn't get more fabulous than that.
Our day started just before 9:30.
Yes, 9:30.
It was glorious.
She still woke up during the night, which she has every night since our return. But the nice thing about Carly is if I get to her and feed her before she has enough time to fuss too much, she eats for 10-20 minutes and goes right back to sleep. None of that up for 3 or 4 hours business she did as a newborn. So our day started at 9:30.
We like to watch West Wing in the mornings. Its my all-time favorite show. Bravo shows episodes at 8 and 9. Usually we catch both. Today we just caught the last 30 minutes. I was ok with that.
After West Wing and breakfast(s) (Carly always has 2), it was time to tackle the much neglected dishes. Carly helped quite a bit by devouring paper cupcake liners and throwing measuring cups on the floor. After dishes it was time to fold laundry.
Then it was time for exercise! We had quick errands to run, so instead of driving I came up with the health-conscience idea to walk. Turns out the walk was way longer than I expected and more treacherous than planned. Half-way to our destination the sidewalk ended and I had to push the stroller through grass to avoid busy streets. I'm sure I looked completely crazy to all the people in the cars. But talk about a work-out. Needless to say, I took a different route home. Carly didn't seem to notice my effort.
Upon our arrival home, Carly was still asleep. So I left her in her carseat and showered in silence. No screaming. It was fabulous. Carly was happy in her bumbo while I got ready . . .
and ate lunch (at 3:30 pm). I discovered today that she doesn't mind the bumbo so much as long as she is up at my level and not down on the ground. Of course that requires my reflexes to be extra ready, but I'll take that over the screaming.
Then it was playtime. Here Carly is practicing a new favorite move, "superbaby". Finally ready to go pick up daddy!
This is truly the most fabulous part of every day.
Our evening consisted of a trip to the grocery story. Carly "hung" out with daddy and loved looking at the lights and people. She loves busy stores.

The night ended with me successfully converting my mom's stroganoff recipe to be gluten-free, Carly giggling, a bit of Star Trek, and a leg massage for yours truly.

It was a fabulous Friday.

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