I get an occasional visit from Dr. Jekyll in the morning
(look what that girl does to her swaddle blanket).
Not sure what Miss Hyde is so upset about.
I've never even owned a robe.
But is it just me, or do resolutions seem made to be broken? Like how everyone says they are going to get in shape and the gyms are full for 2 weeks and then everybody goes back to their old habits. In the dictionary under "resolute" it says marked by firm determination. 2009 was a good year for me, but I have many things to improve upon, and now that the pregnancy/newborn fog has lifted I think I might have a fighting chance at meeting my goals.
What are my resolutions? I'm glad you asked.
Be 100%.
I have not been too great at reading my scriptures lately (like over the last year). I mean I read, but not every day and not study-reading. Not the way I need. I was sick my entire
pregnancy and in a stupor for months after. This is a lame excuse but this is my excuse. In December I went to a Southeastern area training for Young Women leaders. In it, the YW general president said that when she speaks to youth she always challenges them to be 100% at three things. 1) Read from the Book of Mormon 5 minutes a day (I've bumped it to 15). 2) Pray on your knees (not lying in bed . . . oops) morning and night. 3) Smile. Be a happy person. I've warped #3 into "Think of another", where I will try to do one nice thing for someone each day. Sounds basic, and it is. But I need to get back to basics.
Work out. Get out.
Yes, I'm joining the greatest bandwagon of them all and making getting into shape one of my New Years resolutions. Before my pregnancy I was a pretty active person. But take constant nausea, 10 hour work days, and my sudden need for 12 hours of sleep, and working out went out the window. Then add my ridiculously long post-baby recovery and you have my current state: getting sore after a long grocery shopping trip. Its sad but true. I'm not all about looking like Gisele Bunchen (because I could if I wanted to . . . right . . . ) but I just want to be able to move and feel good and be active again. It will take lots of easing into, but I'm excited to get moving. And Chris and I have set a schedule so I can start going 4 times a week. And if I happen to lose my final baby lbs that's ok too.
As for getting out? I don't know if this is common, but as a stay at home mom with a small baby, I find it extremely easy to sit home in my pjs all day. But when I do I feel yucky and Carly gets fussy. She likes to get out and see the world (and often falls asleep in her carseat). So another goal is to get out and do something every day. In my planner I have written "Get Out:" every day and each Sunday I'll think of an errand or activity that will get us out each day. Its just good for my soul (and hers) and makes me feel at least somewhat productive. Hopefully our ward mothers group will start up again (or maybe I can start one?) so we can have social interaction as well.
You are what you eat.
This means I am mostly cheese and ice cream. And apple juice boxes. As a breastfeeding mama I've discovered that I'm always hungry and always really thirsty. This leads to me eating a lot, but not drinking enough (go figure). I get a headache from lack of water pretty much every day, and I snack on unhealthy things and have lunches that aren't exactly packed with nutrients either. So two goals are to drink a lot more water (ten squares on my board, that's providing for a few extra glasses), and to eat healthier meals. I'd say I'm getting better so far. This one will definitely be a more gradual process. Any suggestions for healthy snacks or lunches that you enjoy?
Anyway, sounds like a lot (or at least it does to me) but its just a few basic goals to get me back on track and working toward my ultimate goal of being a good mother, supporting my husband, and getting closer to my Heavenly Father.
Gotta go. Screaming baby.
I need to get out too!!!!!!!!!! If you ever need a get-out buddy, give me a call!!!!
I am totally there with you on everything! Some days Hadleigh and I are in out pajamas ALL day long! We used to have a really good baby too but then suddenly for our christmas present she decided to give us a fussy, screaming, drooling, non-sleeping baby! How wonderful right?!
I know what you mean--I have made getting out everyday a goal as well. Sometimes it's easier to just stay put. Can't believe how big/old carly is getting--she's practically a lady! :)
I make one of these charts every few months and it really helps! Yes the things are basic, but it makes you really think about it when you physically get to check a box.
Even grumpy Carly is cute!
you have some good goals. that's why i told you i am going to copy them. hee hee. wish i lived around the corner so i could schmoopie with carly. miss her and you and chris.
Err... I guess I turned into a giant pizza roll, according to the "you are what you eat." Cannot stop. Blaming pregnancy, and enjoying it while I have something to blame!
Wish we lived closer so we could get out together. G turns into an evil little bugger when we are stuck inside. March will be great, right? Ha.
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