Saturday, June 12, 2010

ten months old.

We have reached the double digits, folks.
Today Carly threw her first temper tantrum when I wouldn't let her play with a choking hazard.
[What kind of mean mom am I?]
We are entering a whole new phase.
We are ready for the party.
[We think so, anyway.]
Carly, at ten months old you . . .

*are a renowned expert on making a mess. You spread things about, like toys, DVDs, clean laundry, and kitchen utensils.

*are a routine baby. Or maybe I'm just a routine mommy. We do well on our routine (which includes exercise, naps, reading, meals, playtime), and get a bit thrown off when it gets disrupted.

*have 5 teeth. Three on top and two on bottom. The top three all came in within days of each other and are growing at various rates. We think it makes you look like a jack-o-lantern.

*love to play with your daddy. You especially love when he "chases" you and tries to grab at your feet while you crawl away. You screech and laugh and then look back at him like "K, daddy, get me again!"

*have the wildest hair. I don't even know what to do with it. It is getting long and wavy, and it gets wavier in the humidity. But you hate when I mess with it, and hardly let me even run a brush through it.

*have such a funny personality. You are a diva, but so sweet and funny. You make me laugh all the time.

*are very decisive. If you don't want to do something, like give a kiss, you just stick your little hand out like "Nope, get away!" And when you are done eating, you are DONE EATING. You flail your arms around so we can't get the spoon anywhere near your face.

*have been resisting naps. I've been considering going to just one nap a day, but you get so grouchy without both. And I do enjoy when you nap twice.

*stand more and more by yourself without holding on to anything. But you seem hesitant to stand for more than a few seconds.

*are talking more and more. And LOUDLY. Its hard to keep you in church! You mostly stick with "da, da, da" so we are trying to teach you more sounds.

*love to explore and get into things. You love playing under the table, and sometimes when we try to grab you from under there, you push our hands away to leave you be. You love getting into the cupboards, fridge, and pantry.

*hurt yourself on a constant basis. You hit your head 50 times a day and are always slamming fingers and arms in drawers.

*never cease to fill our days with laughter, frustration, smiles, chaos, and joy.

Happy ten months, Car. We're glad you joined us.

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