Tuesday, June 8, 2010

what do you do in the summertime?

The Wild Thing and I went to the pool today.
It was her first time.
She started out unsure.
But she quickly caught on and started kicking her legs and splashing.
The best parts according to her?
1) watching the big kids swim and play, and
2) scaling the poolside chairs as we dried off.

[sorry I look so glamorous. went straight from the gym to the pool. i know, my life is hard.]
The little girls that were there came over to meet Carly. They asked her name and after I told them, one said "Like iCarly?". We get that a lot from 8-12 year olds. I always want to explain its a coincidence, that our Carly was in no way named after iCarly. But instead I just say, "Yep, like iCarly!" They think its cool.
Anyway, we had fun at the pool.
We will have to make it a habit, and soak up the Southern sun as much as possible.
Because I'm pretty sure in Michigan we will be enjoying like three and a half weeks of pool weather each summer.


Taryn said...

Do you guys have a pool at your complex? Jealous if so. Also...could you please stop stealing my future blog titles (i.e. Here We Have Idaho and What Do you Do In The Summertime)..haha...love it. And yes I am weird and think about what I am going to entitle a blog post long before it is ever written.

Karen Thomas said...

uh oh -- looks like you have a swimmer -- or maybe a mountain climber.

Karen Thomas said...

i had to add -- i beat both you cute girls. i used that title for a scrapebook page circa 1992. hee hee. remember our above ground pool in yuma?

Cami and Juan said...

You do have a hard life :) It looks like a beautiful pool.